So my boy Frank tells me I need to change my image. So, I need to play up the useless scrub aspect of my life because somehow that will get me more play with the ladies. Now under most circumstances I would feel that this is utter garbage, except for the low quality of men that I actually see women with down here in South FL. I mean, these guys are total and complete scrubs. No jobs or no cars. No diploma, or still at home with parents. I'm like, seriously? It's like that? You can still pull when you don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of?
So, I need to stop being "Kyle" and need to become "K-dog". Ive got to find the hidden thug inside and reform into it's image. I'll find a chic and put myself out there as an ignant moron. I'll hide the fact that I have a diploma. Friday evenings I play poker with my boys and Saturday I'm playin ball. Non negotiable. Then after I've been in the relationship a while I'll show a little bit more of the real me... let them think they "reformed" me.
I don't know why it seems like girls down here go for guys like that, but hell, ladies always wonder why all they end up with are dogs, it's normally cus that's what they settle for. Maybe it's seen as necessary since statistically there are more women than men. But damn, are you serious?
Maybe it's my ego in the way again. Whiel I might be over the top and kind of intense, dude, I really feel like I'm a total package. I'm smart, I'm tender, I'm caring, I talk about my feelings, I'm honest... relatively. I'm a religious man. Damn... I'm cute to. The hell is the problem?
You know, maybe it's a perception thing. Maybe I *think* I'm completely logical, but maybe within my delusional psychosis I'm a drooling retard who *thinks* he preaches publicly, who *thinks* he's a great writer.
"Hello. Microwave Background Radiation is the cooing of baby Jesus."
-Stephen Hawking imitations are so much better spoken.
In all serious, I know some amongst my female readers are going to complain about not changing for a girl, blah blah blah, I've got low standards if the type of girl I'm looking for is that dumb, blah blah blah, you know my answer to that? Why non of y'all never stepped up to the plate? Or at the very least sent somebody my way who'd change my mind? Exactly. So moving on...
I'm not going to turn this into a Public Service Announcement post. I'm not going to harp about how if women want a better quality guy they need to change their standards. I'm not going to go into how if women want men to take them seriously and professionaqlly they should be putting their bodies out there. I'm skipping the fact that in almost every situation concerning guys women consult the wrong people, like their own clueless female friends, or their male platonic friends who only want to get in their pants (yes... unless *they* were the ones to turn *you* down they want to get in your pants, whether before or after a ring's on the finger only dictates how much of a friend he is). I'm not getting into all that. I'm just documenting that I quit being the nice guy. I don't care if i gotta lie about who i am to get my foot in the door, so be it. I've already lied on my teaching applications. This isn't much worse in my now immoral point of view.
Yes Jerry I'm that undeep.
Oh... no Roaches.