Me, kiddo and DISNEY!

Aug 28, 2017 00:04

I don't know if I've mentioned this, but I grew up with a Disney-crazed mom, and well... I got the bug to. :-) When I grew up Disney released a main feature film every Christmas (in Sweden at least) and it was tradition to go watch it as a family. EVERY YEAR! :-D ( Read more... )

comics, disney, movies, life, music, dad, mother, kid, mom, family, cartoons

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Comments 6

manoah August 28 2017, 15:59:16 UTC
I grew up on Disney as well.

I think my favorite movie is "Jungle Book" (the cartoon). I do also love "Fantasia", "Lady and the Tramp", "The Aristocats", and all the old Winnie the Pooh!

I decorated The Heir's room with Pooh! And I'll still watch "Mary Poppins" when I'm feeling low.


kseenaa September 3 2017, 16:53:09 UTC
Oh yes, Fantasia is a piece of artwork that entire movie! I like the new version of Fantasia as well, although the old one will forever hold a special piece of my heart. :-)

And Aristocats is a favorite, because I'm an old catlady myself! *LOL* Lady and the Tramp is pretty awesome to, but I never watched it that much for some reason... Not Winnie the Pooh either. :-P Hubby is a HUGE fan of Winnie the Pooh though! Probably the only Disney-movie he really enjoyed before becoming a father, of course. ;-)

Mary Poppins is SUCH a classic though! Have you read the books? It's a loooong series of books! Who knew? And they become increasingly weirder as they go along! Really cool reading if you're curious! :-D


manoah September 3 2017, 20:09:32 UTC
Fantasia (both the new and old) are wonderful. I can remember when I was much younger....and not quite as bright as I claim to be now...going to see Fantasia in an *ahem* altered state. Fun times! Heh.

How funny! I'm reading Mary Poppins right now! My only exposure was the movie and then watching Saving Mr. Banks. When I read about how PL Travers was not happy about how "her" Mary was portrayed...I wanted to see why. I'm only about half way through the first book, but I can totally see why Disney made Mary a more likeable sort. I'm enjoying the book though and I've got the 2nd one queued up and ready to go!


kseenaa September 3 2017, 21:18:12 UTC
Those books are really good! I read the whole series when I was a teen, and they made quite the impact on me! :-D Another book series I also read at around that age, late teens, was the books about Oz, starting with The Wizard of Oz. If you want to read something really weird and... a bit fucked up, actually... You should read that book series to!


sireesanwar October 13 2017, 17:54:15 UTC
I love Disney. Just went to Disneyland too. So much fun.

I don't even care about stronge princesses or kickass because I just love them all. I mean some more than others but I don't mind the damsel ones either. There are very few Disney movies I don't love but Princess and the Frog isn't one of my all times favs. That was is just good in my book.

I did; however, enjoy Moana quit a bit and it is crazy they had to change the name.


kseenaa October 23 2017, 13:05:30 UTC
I'm not that much into princesses, but I do so love the really old movies. With or without princesses. My favorites are the many old shorts that were done before the WWII and just after it. They are SO GOOD!!!

Princess and the frog won me over with the music, tbh. :-D The music in that movie is SO GOOD!!! The music in Vaiana / Moana is also really really good! And the story behind the name-change is pretty hilarious. *LOL*


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