Failbook is a freaking evil thing!!

Feb 27, 2017 00:06

Beyond happy I don't have a Failbook account. Never had one, never will I get one. :-P

Facebook is evil? Yes.

And more about it.

And even more still!All three well worth reading ( Read more... )

pissed off, stress, politics, comp-stuff, interesting

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Comments 8

orangerful February 27 2017, 03:06:22 UTC
I'm so glad I deleted my Facebook awhile back, it was a great burden of bullshit lifted off my shoulders. And now with all this crap going on, I'm even happier to not have one.

I keep meaning to post about it, but I bumped into a friend from high school a few weeks ago and she was all "OMG you should friend me on Facebook, I miss you!" and Tim was like "Oh, she deleted her Facebook" and the girl didn't know what the heck to do. I was like "I'm on everything else" and she said "I only have Facebook". So I offered to give her my phone number so she could text me, and then I also texted her my email address.


It's like "We should be friends on Facebook" means "I have a very casual interest in being reminded every now and then that you exist."


kseenaa February 27 2017, 13:08:44 UTC
Never had a Failbook, and the more I read about Failbook, the happier I am about that fact.

And what you describe there is another of the reason I am beyond annoyed with Failbook. :-P Sometimes it's like if you don't have Failbook you don't exist! And that is just... so annoying.


desdemonaspace February 27 2017, 03:52:58 UTC
Thank you for posting this. I couldn't agree more, and yes, I too am so much happier and healthier since I deleted my Facebook.


kseenaa February 27 2017, 13:09:39 UTC
Failbook! ARGH! I hate it so much. I never had an account and I am beyond happy about it. :-P The more I read about Failbook the worse it sounds every time.


lynnenne February 27 2017, 05:09:33 UTC
The best thing about Facebook is that it'll be dead in 10 years. The young people don't use it anymore because their parents are all on it.


kseenaa February 27 2017, 13:10:09 UTC
Gawd, YES! I so hope that'll be the case. :-P


brunettepet February 27 2017, 14:52:41 UTC
it will go the way of the dodo in a couple years.


kseenaa February 27 2017, 19:29:21 UTC
I sure hope so, since currently it feels as if it is used for... less good things. :-P


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