Yeah, I do the crosspost thing, although I do it manually since that's how I prefer doing it. The friending thing is a bit confusing on DW though... :-P And I very rarely check my f-list there, but otherwise...*shrug* Yeah. Don't really care where people post.
Same here -- about my LJ staying where it is, not about having been here since 2003! In fact I've been here only for two years now, so I think it's much too early to leave again so soon!
Oh dear, that's not very long at all! The stories I could tell about the dramas that have unfolded on this city with regularity. X-D I'm glad you've decided to stick around though. :-D I do enjoy LJ far more than DW or other sites I've tried. I think it's how it's set up. :-)
Well may I say it's awesome seeing you again, Kseenaa. I'm just dropping in to check friends posts and there you are so I thought I'd say hello! Hello! Where are the G's? lol.
*hangs head in shame* Work and posting for G's Daily just became to much there, so I slacked and then I just gave up. :-/ I really should get back to it again, shouldn't I? :-P
It's a catch 22, isn't it? There are those leaving LJ because there's no one on LJ... :-P
LJ has been through SO MUCH since I joined in December 2003. And it's still here. I very much doubt it'll be closed down. I really really doubt that. Many of the russians are using it as a political platform, sure. But that also means they'll fight to keep it. Which, in turn, keeps it for us who are not political russians as well.
So true! I've been thinking about that for years. On LJ no one really wanna get new friends, it seems. As if they're afraid of going to check out others journals, while on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram or other social media everyone friends everyone, you know? It's weird to me, to be honest.
Comments 12
LJ has been through SO MUCH since I joined in December 2003. And it's still here. I very much doubt it'll be closed down. I really really doubt that. Many of the russians are using it as a political platform, sure. But that also means they'll fight to keep it. Which, in turn, keeps it for us who are not political russians as well.
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