The dead returns...

Oct 06, 2014 22:15

Oh gawd. Where to even begin with this clusterfuck of insanity that went down this weekend? Let’s see if I can. And, unless they are too personal, I will try and answer any questions in the comments.

This might be a little bit triggering, so a little warning for that.

Remember my friend that committed suicide? That I’ve mourned since July? Well. ( Read more... )

confrontation, pissed off, drama, ranting

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Comments 22

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kseenaa October 6 2014, 20:30:32 UTC

It's not only on Twitter. It's here to. And on Facebook. She burned every bridge she ever had. I'm so done, you have no idea.


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kseenaa October 9 2014, 11:52:26 UTC
Oh, I've heard both sides no. And there's really no excuse, even though they both think there is. But me being on the sidelines I see it differently I suppose. I've forgiven so so much during the years, but this? I can't. I just can't.

At least I wasn't the excuse for doing this, it wasn't aimed at me. But I was still hurt like hell.


volare October 6 2014, 21:03:10 UTC
Ugh, just ugh. I'm sorry this crap landed on you, you don't deserve to have to deal with this kind of bullshit when you've been there for someone for so long and they can still put you through hell without a care.


kseenaa October 9 2014, 11:54:28 UTC
Yeah. I got a mail that she still claims she sees me as her best friend. Yeah, right. I don't really feel like that when she does something like this, let me tell you. Even if it wasn't aimed at me. I've forgiven much during the years, but this is just one big step to far.


hexenhasel October 6 2014, 21:14:46 UTC
O.M.G. D:

No wonder you've been so out of sorts.

I don't even know what to say. You have every right to be pissed off with this person.


*hugs you* I'm so sorry, bb. You don't need that in your life.


kseenaa October 9 2014, 11:56:28 UTC
It was never really aimed at me, and I know this. But she still did it without thinking of any consequences. Still, she claims she sees me as her best friend. No. Just no. You just do not DO anything like this! And, you're right. I really REALLY don't need that in my life. :-/


shapinglight October 6 2014, 21:40:02 UTC
What a horrible thing to happen.

:Big hugs:

I really don't know what else to say.


kseenaa October 9 2014, 11:56:54 UTC
Yeah, pretty much. :-/ *hugs*


steinsgrrl October 6 2014, 21:47:18 UTC
No, there's no stopping, but you sure can step back and take some time to lick your wounds. No one would blame you for that.

I apologize again for discussing you. I didn't think I was doing anything wrong in saying in that post that I felt horrible because I knew you would be hurt by this, but I am sorry.

I don't know what else to say. I don't even know if you trust me, since you know I'm friends with the "frienemy," but I have been friends with her for many years and didn't have a reason to disbelieve her. It's hard that your friend doing something like this rather reinforces some of the things my friend was saying, but it's true that I only have her side of things.

My instinct at this point would be to not trust someone who could inflict that amount of pain on me. But that's me and my reactions. I just don't want you to get hurt again, because I am your friend and I hate that someone gutted you like this. I wish I knew better what to say, or even if I should just shut up, but I wish you a way to feel better and send you hugs.


kseenaa October 9 2014, 12:05:52 UTC
None of them mean anything to me any more. I've had my say in this post. I am done. I am so done with them both you have NO idea. And want nothing to do with either of them.

I don't mind at all that you're friends with one of them. That's you and your friendship and I have no say in that. *shrug*

When I saw that post I was so incredibly hurt and confused that me even being mentioned hurt, even if I know you didn't mean anything by it. I know that.

Right now I am dealing with the influx of emails in my inbox. The ones from Tashé, that I answered cutting everything off. And then one from your friend after she saw this, that is seriously the length of a damn novel. So it'll take some time to answer that. One answer each. And then they'll get NOTHING else from me. Nothing. Nada. No mentions in my LJ nor Twitter any more. No emails. No comments. Nothing.

As been said in other comments here, I really don't need this. THEY need professional help. Me = No professional.



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