Midsummer celebrations from hell? Yes? No? Judges is out on that one...

Jun 23, 2014 22:50

Right, so this trip, this Midsummer-marathon…. *shakes head ( Read more... )

traveling, peting, life, confrontation, pissed off, my love, kid, ranting, stress, midsummer, friends

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Comments 13

steinsgrrl June 23 2014, 23:35:01 UTC
Thanks for explaining sexmasters!

I'm sorry you had such a horrible time, and bless Peting for saying you don't have to go next year. He can go be with his friend and you and Alexandra can be with yours, or your family, and have a fantastic time. :)


kseenaa June 26 2014, 15:56:33 UTC
Ha ha ha! I know I've gotten comments on the name Sexmasters, but yeah... That's what we are called! :-D Or, Exmasters in the case of me and Peting, since we are not active members anymore, just previous members. :-)

Yep. Thank heavens for Peting being who he is. :-) He plans to go next year, but I plan to celebrate with his mom and his side of the family, since they go to a park here every year with classical midsummer-celebrations. Sounds great to me!


volare June 24 2014, 02:52:56 UTC
Sorry you had such a rough time!


kseenaa June 26 2014, 15:57:03 UTC
Yeah. It wasn't what I'd call fun, no. :-P I survived though! And plan to stay at home next year with Alexandra. :-)


velociraptorx June 24 2014, 03:28:51 UTC
That sounds absolutely horrid. A disaster of a house [I'm a clean person, that would freak me out] and misbehaved children just wanting attention [it isn't hard to set out 20-30 minutes a day, at least, to give your child your undivided attention.. seriously]. I'd go crazy and I definitely don't blame you for not wanting to go back!

I'm glad you found that manor though, so there was a little silver lining to the gloomy cloud. :) It looks gorgeous!


kseenaa June 26 2014, 15:58:07 UTC
My home ain't exactly the cleanest around, but I swear I am a paragon of cleanliness in comparison. There was cathair near to everywhere. :-P

The manor was my savior. What a place! Absolutly stunning!


snowstormskies June 27 2014, 09:11:16 UTC
I think it's a fabulous idea to not go again. It seems like the other mother has some mental health issues, if she won't clean and is afraid of everything outside her front gate. It's seriously weird.

And I'm glad Mr P listened to you. I know it was driving you insane to think about doing it this year, so at least next year, you don't have to face t.


kseenaa June 27 2014, 10:17:39 UTC
I agree. I think there's some mental health issues with her to. But I don't think she is doing anything about it. :-/ Which makes me feel sorry for the kids. Sometimes it's so clear they are effected by her as well. :-/

And Peting usually listens to me. And if not we can have a discussion about it and listen to pros and cons and then come to a good compromise. We talk about everything, so.... :-)


Psych Rotation Stories ruchirahni September 16 2014, 22:35:48 UTC
I don't know why some people have kids when they have no idea how to raise them. How can you possibly teach a child that it's okay to yank something out of someone else's hand? that's the kind of behavior they will then grow up thinking is okay....


Re: Psych Rotation Stories kseenaa September 17 2014, 12:44:03 UTC
I know, I know... That mother is driving me nuts. :-P And it's sad, really. I used to like Peting's friend. I really did. But he has changed, and not for the better. :-/ I do believe the mother does have some sort of mental health issues what with being afraid of everything that isn't in her home, you know? And it's sad, I think them kids could be great kids, but what with hysteric mom and so little attention? *shakes head* Sad, really.


Re: Psych Rotation Stories ruchirahni September 18 2014, 00:05:27 UTC
no kid can be okay with deprivation of attention :( :( :( and any kid can be awesome with attention. it's just as simple as that.. but it isn't so simple for some. and those people shouldn't be parents. :( mental health issues or no, it's not an excuse to fuck up an innocent kid.


Re: Psych Rotation Stories ruchirahni September 18 2014, 00:05:43 UTC
and obviously i know you agrees with me on all counts. it's just sad.


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