My writings... And prompt call for What-If-Prompts for Sketchavember!!!

Nov 04, 2011 00:32

Got a lot of stuff to do fandom wise! o.O

I have a very VERY cracky little... fic? Ficlet? Comparison-piece? That is almost done... and when it is, I'll send it to ruchirahni so she'll help me fix grammar and such... Not to mention she is an old Xena-fan and Joxer is giving me trouble, the cute little fool... So she can help me with that to. :-) *pokes da ( Read more... )

my writing, drabble call, sketchavember

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Comments 8

rule_number_7 November 4 2011, 00:15:11 UTC
What if girl!Georg took girl!Gustav out on a first date?
What is Tom accidentally broke one of Gustav's drum kits one day?
What is Gustav found an abandoned litter of kittens one cold spring evening?
What if Bill decided he wanted the band to put out a Christmas album?
What if the twins got to interview Bushido for some media event?

If you need/want more let me know. I'm sure I can think up more lol


kseenaa November 4 2011, 18:33:01 UTC
Thanx! :-D I'll add them to my list. ;-)


steinsgrrl November 4 2011, 01:46:16 UTC
Prompts. Hm.

1. Gustav buys Tom a new guitar for Christmas, one he's had his eye on for some time. Happy as he is, Tom flails, because he has no idea what to get Gustav.

2. Georg and Bill get tipsy and Georg finally lets Bill arrange his hair.

3. Gustav wants to get a puppy but soon finds out Georg is allergic.

4. Gustav has a crush on Georg, who is clueless and that's the way Gus likes it. The twins, however, think it's great fun to tease Gus about it in ways that might make Georg catch on.

5. Gustav isn't as easy going as he seems about Bill's weight insults.

6. What happens when Georg and Gustav go to the twins birthday party in the amusement park and happen to get stuck high in the air on one of the rides?

7. Tom makes Georg breakfast in bed.

Yeah, I'm not sure how good these are, but there are a few to think about, anyway.


kseenaa November 4 2011, 18:34:08 UTC
Thank you, thank you!!!! :-D They are all added to my list. :-)


lilliephoenix November 4 2011, 02:17:07 UTC
fluffy twins in LA. bill and tom decide to decorate a palm tree after their first thanksgiving. (bonus points if bill burns something)

something paranormal and creepy. there weren't many halloween fics this year.

gustav can't play drums anymore, so he does the other thing he loves and opens a bakery.

bill buys boyfriend!gustav cashmere sweaters because they are soft and he likes to cuddle.

twin gets sent to AU where they meet their brother's female counterpart.

georg is the sexy mechanic that works on toms audi .


kseenaa November 4 2011, 18:36:08 UTC
Oh thank you! Much fun here! :-D Brilliant! They are added to the list. :-)


ruchirahni November 4 2011, 15:46:55 UTC


kseenaa November 4 2011, 18:37:26 UTC
*lol* Ehr... No? Yes? X-D It is complicated. ;-) You'll see when I send it to you. I am just going to wrestle Joxer into sorta submission! You'll have to tell me if I managed sorta.

If you want something from the Xena-fandom, you CAN give me a what-if-prompt, you know...? *hint, nudge* ;-)


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