Two more drabbles delivered!

Apr 24, 2011 23:59

Alright. Two more drabbles... ficlets... whatever the fuck you wanna call them are written... If there are anyone else that wants me to write one, just comment with a prompt HERE and I will. We're a long way yet to reach ten prompts. ;-)

I hope those I wrote these for enjoy them... I blame you two for everything. *nods*

Title: Skittles-mystery ( Read more... )

my writing, drabble call, my fanfics

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Comments 6

steinsgrrl April 24 2011, 22:15:52 UTC
Awww, now that's just cute! You gave me a huge smile, and I love that. Your angsty Tom is lovely, and the shades of a patient turned demanding Georg was just right. Thank you so, so much for writing this for me! <3


kseenaa April 24 2011, 22:36:13 UTC
It was actually the scene with Bill basically telling Tom he fucked Gustav so he could just keep Georg thank you very much, that started the whole thing... So I just had to work my way there. :-) I am glad you liked it, even if it didn't meet the prompt perfectly. And no hot sex-scene! Sorry! :-P I can write it, I have done it several times in RPGs, I promise!


diamondairways April 24 2011, 22:21:41 UTC
Ahaha, this was perfect! I laughed, and grinned like crazy, reading this. Love, love, love! Bill in the role of a skittles-thief-hunting detective was awesome! And I liked all of the characterizations of the guys =D

OK, so the note had said it was for all four of them, but fuck that! It was HIS stash! - hahaha omg, typical Bill!

He even crawled under their beds, with the danger of getting dust in his hair! - I pictured this and lolled.

Great job, thanks for this little gem it sure brightened my mood =DD


kseenaa April 24 2011, 22:38:57 UTC
Hercule Poirot he is not. X-D As soon as I saw your prompt I couldn't help but picture Bill going all in detective-mode, so yeah.. I just ran with it and this is what it ended up being. :-) So very, very happy you liked it!


maria_d_edwards April 28 2011, 05:27:22 UTC
so funny :) I can imagine Bill hunting Georg like that. Getting smacked by a brush must hurt. Second one was really sweet. Perceptive Bill is very perceptive, and good for all of them finding a boyfriend that day :)


kseenaa April 28 2011, 05:58:00 UTC
It must hurt indeed. :-) And Bill should be perceptive... I mean, they are twins after all. ;-) I can just imagine all of them crazy drunk and ending up with a G each. X-D

Glad you enjoyed both of them. These prompts and the ones previous are the first ones I have written in the TH fandom, so I am very glad people enjoyed them. I just sat down and wrote what first popped up in my mind. :-)


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