Drabble-meme: Calling for prompts.

Apr 23, 2011 21:02

Another meme... and do be gentle with me....

(Geezes christ, I can't believe I am doing this...)

RIGHT! *squares shoulders* First off, I am not a very good writer. I can only write really short short drabbles. So don't expect to much, OK? thilia is to write one for me, so I figured I should return the favour. Besides, it was a loooong time ago I did ( Read more... )

drabble call, memes

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Comments 12

thilia April 23 2011, 20:16:20 UTC
Me! And... I want the Gs, obviously. And as you said - something dark and disturbing is always good, if you can make it work for them. If not... just a fluffy little scene XD


kseenaa April 23 2011, 20:48:41 UTC
Have written a drabble for you. :-) Gonna have to wait until tomorrow though, in case someone else wants something... I'll just post everything at the same time. :-)


thilia April 23 2011, 22:03:03 UTC
Awesome :D Hehehe...


shesamouse April 23 2011, 22:09:14 UTC
Okay so I'm not sure if this is mean or not. But I would LOVE to see Tokio Hotel crossed with some Pirates of the Caribbean. I don't mind the pairing, let your muse decide or ask me for a pairing and I'll give it to you. Violent, funny or sexy.



kseenaa April 23 2011, 23:08:41 UTC
Drabble, ficlet... what the heck ever you wanna call it... It is written and will be posted tomorrow. :-)


diamondairways April 24 2011, 17:38:09 UTC
Okay, let's try this=) if it's not too late, haha.

Prompt: it's Easter, Bill has a lot of candy just for himself; he doesn't share it, not even with Tom! But, someone steals it! Who is the thief, and what will Bill do when he finds him?
(humor, can be any pairing or none)

I'll post this meme in my LJ so if you want to, you can request a drabble/ficlet from me in return=)


kseenaa April 24 2011, 19:20:36 UTC
Have written one for you. Drabble... Ficlet... what ever you want to call it. :-P I'll post it a bit laters. :-)


diamondairways April 24 2011, 20:07:10 UTC
Yay! =D I made a post in my LJ, so if you'd like a drabble then you're more than welcome to leave a prompt =)


kseenaa April 24 2011, 22:05:56 UTC
Just posed it, so go ahead and read it. ;-)

And I'll just scoot over and do so then! :-D


danglingdingle April 25 2011, 00:07:16 UTC

JACK/WILL/ELIZABETH and go as hardcore as you please, please :)


kseenaa April 25 2011, 13:28:27 UTC
Righto! I have written it, but will post it later. :-) Promise!


kseenaa April 25 2011, 20:50:35 UTC
Just posted your drabble for you. ;-)


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