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Comments 13

shapinglight July 8 2010, 21:01:44 UTC
I'm so sorry you were bullied at school. Children can be so horribly cruel.


kseenaa July 8 2010, 21:27:47 UTC
Yeah.... Kids can be really, really cruel. It was a snowball thing with me. Once it started, it just got worse, and worse... I can't even begin to say how much spicehobbit has meant to me and my sanity in it all. And books. All them books I escaped to when I was a kid. I like to think I got stronger for it, in a way to. I hope so at least.


steinsgrrl July 8 2010, 22:54:34 UTC
I'm completely with you. The first time I heard this song, it touched me. The first time I saw the video, I bawled. All for the same reason as you. The scars are huge and mostly still pretty tender but oh yeah, this song. <3


kseenaa July 9 2010, 09:16:34 UTC
But at least they are scars, and not open wounds. I am proud of myself today. And have turned my experiences into a sort of strength. The scars will always be there, of course. But I can live with them today. :-) This song just reminds me that, yes. It is possible to stand up and be strong despite everything. And I have done just that. :-)


erinmar13 July 9 2010, 01:09:53 UTC
definitely one of the most potent songs lyrically. and it doesn't hurt that her voice is FUCKING FANTASTIC.


kseenaa July 9 2010, 09:18:13 UTC
Indeed. She is definitely doing the lyrics justice, I'd say. Fucking fantastic, as you put it. Every time I hear it, I get a shiver running down my spine. Because this song shows that it is indeed possible to stand up strong, no matter what. I did that. It took me so, so long... But there are no open wounds any more. Just scars. That has made me strong. And I can live with that. :-)


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kseenaa July 9 2010, 09:21:48 UTC
It should speak to you to, this song. Because you are, you know. Beautiful. No matter what they say...

I have picked myself up. It took time though. I soon have my 33e birthday. And it is just in these last few years after I moved to this city that I have really felt my strength growing. So yes. I have turned into a strong woman, true. But it took so, so long to get there. This song just shows me that it is possible. Anyone can do it. I'll always live with the memories, of course.... the scars. But they are scars now. Not open wounds. And I am proud of my self for the fact I have gotten that far in my life. :-)


demon_kyo July 9 2010, 09:13:31 UTC
<3 Oh bb girl, I can't imagine what you went through. I know how mean kids can be, but thank god life isn't like that after school or we'd all go off the deep end. You are beautiful and I think you are such a wonderful woman and in the end, that's what matters - your friends and your family love you.


kseenaa July 9 2010, 09:26:33 UTC
That icon never fails to put a smile on my face. :-) Just wanted to say that.

Indeed they do. Being bullied seems to be a curse in my family... Both my mom and father was to in school. My brother not to badly, gladly. But yes. I have a HUGE and crazy extended family, and I have always felt support and love from them. That have always helped me. And after school was over, that helped me heal to. And I include spicehobbit in that to, since really... She is like a sister to me. And have always supported me and helped me. We are the same age, so she was there, in school, and saw it all. She knows. That helps. Strangely. :-) Those years left some really harsh scars on me, that you can't see.... But at least they are not open wounds any more. I am proud of myself and strong today. But it has taken so, so long to get there... I am soon 33, and it is only in these last few years when I have moved to the city where I live today that I really feel I have found my strength. :-) *hugs*


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