I was crazy inspired by this
HUG-Post that
croaky posted....
So... Yeah...
Everyone loves HUGS! Right? Right! I do!
Lets spread the love!
Platonic and/or romantic. Friends, family,
significant others, important people...
The world needs more hugs!
I love people. I really do. I love to hug people. It shows love and support like nothing else. And I do wanna show my love and support for my big insane f-list. I do love you all. New and old friends alike. You are the reason I come back here and spend such insane amounts off hours here. It is all you.
Annoying though, between us there might be a huge distance, so hugs in person (the best kind) is not possible. But we can still share hugs. ;-)
This manifesto of sorts is very easy: without need a reason beyond wanting to share a smile, send someone a hug!
It can be anything really. A postcard, a print, a home-made card in crayons, a pice of spare cardboard, a funny picture with scribbled notes or a photo of yourself reaching out for the camera to hug the onlooker. As long as the postal service will deliver it, anything goes. ;-) More fun then the internets to actually hold the hug in your hand.
Me, I have this huge collection of old and new postcards that I don't know what to do with, so I'll be using those. ;-)
So come on! Show your love to the world! Make someone's day!
(The inspiration and cred for this hug-manifesto all goes to
croaky. She is awesome and deserves all the hugs there is.)