Part 2!

Nov 03, 2008 15:02

Steampunk Boogaloo? The Slash Goggles Strike Back? Dude Where's My Plot?

You know, the first time I watched this nonsense I was already most of the way through "And So They Slept". On an unrelated note, lupini beans are NOT breakfast.

Wacky dream bit. DRINK! "When you were a girl I used to rock you in a special place." Wait WHAT. Wow those jammies look comfy. Man their hologram technology is incredible, WAY TO GO, BROSEY. Do I need to go over how insane "the plan" is or is that taken as read? THE HELL, AHAMO. Oh, evil creepy insane childlike Az, I love you so hard. "...keys to the kingdom crap." Oh, DG, I loves you too.

Aww, fluty thing! It's Glitch's theme and it's nowhere on the soundtrack and I will not stop bitching about that. *points at icon* Bweee! "He's not one of us anymore." Why is it that Lylo can sometimes put together sentences perfectly? And woo flashback! DRINK! You guys, the solid walls of the wagon are upholstered. And Manda? I still want extended PNT hypothermia!snuggles. Eventually. Speaking of: nothing, NOTHING will ever be more awesome than canon field hypothermia treatment. It's like the holy grail.

I've ranted a lot about The Pause and how it's where I started shipping them, yeah? "What." "I owe you one." *flail* That smile! Also "we" who? Does the OZ have boy scouts? And lol thegraygale, treasure trove of hidden trinkets! So if the queen fudged DG's memories could she have done that with other people (like, say, Brosey to keep him from spilling the beans about DG not being dead)? And does the braid thing on top of Az's head look really zipperish weird to anyone else? "You made me who I am." She's not wrong!

So how/why/when did Raw run away? STUPID WRITERS, WE NEED SOME SHOW WITH YOUR TELL. Lol or not. Okay, so what the hell are DG and the Mystic Man NOT talking about? Far as I can tell they're not especially masking anything here. Why is watching this making me wanna punch Rick-from-PNT inna face more? Also must stop flailing at them talking about The Machine. HAI TUTOR! "Nothing like a violent coup to win the hearts and minds of a kingdom." I see Az being very "cake or death?" in luring people to her side, only, you know, mostly death.

Meanwhile in a completely different movie... I still wanna know the conversation that lead up to the dancing discussion. Hang on, it's another pause that I love, but this one has gazing staring. SQUEEEEEEEE! Okay. Oh yeah, and who gets the first real smile out of Cain? Yep, that'd be Glitch. SUCK IT, HATERS.

North, south, west, whatever, I still wanna know how they managed all this trekking with no supplies. Hang on, Alan Cumming is kicking people in the head, this never gets old. That "oo!" from Cain is him going "I'd so hit that have that hit me." Glitchnod! DRINK! OH BOYS I LOVE YOU.

Richard Dreyfuss needs to stop baiting the crazy sorceress. Vy-Sor is really uncomfortable with the soul-sucking. Well, we gotta give DG credit for trying but that rat ain't from NIMH. And dear Lord can Baxter get any cuter? I love how there's only one fic ever dealing with how Glitch got whacked in the head with a wrench that one time. MOST AWKWARD HUG EVER. Aw, and she grabs onto Glitch's arm ("And so They Slept" makes me notice these things). WHY DID HE PUT THE HAT ON. My God these guys are a pack of geniuses. JUST FOLLOW THE DAMN DOG.

"We've got an em-er-ald to find!" Cain calling Tutor "pooch" is really annoying for some reason. Glitch turning around and being Mr. Suspicious after calling Cain on it is LOLZ. Okay, now how the Christ DID Tutor know he was going by "Glitch" these days (maybe Glitch is his surname? or part of it? "Ambrose Glitchaderfinor, at your service!") Also why is there no fic of Ambrose and Tutor being drinking buddies? LOL wanted poster! *makes fun of Ambrose's terrible hair some more* And hey, Cain's wearing his badge in his picture. Huh.

Oh gawd the Keanu "Whoa!" *dead* Flashback! Drink! Should we drink every time someone says "Concentrate" or would we be dead? Aww, wee princesses! Dude, we KNOW about the memory-cloaking. Awww, south! And the hand on the shoulder that leaves to point the way and then goes right back! And the freakin' Papay again, augh! Aww, Vy-Sor is so Az's little Brosey wanna be, playing with blueprints and all!

"Gotta love a good orchard!" D'aww! "Maybe engineered a doohicky with a couple of thingies..." Oh throw the gun at them, Cain. That little show of bowing as they exeunt is adorable too. SO MUCH CUTE N THIS THING, GUYS. Dream/flashback/wahtever, DRINK. Okay, now how is Az dreaming of how things went from DG's perspective? And this whole post-dream thing is... real-Az, still a kid in her mind, SO VERY TRAGIC, Y'ALL.

This sunset/sunrise whatever lightning is really pretty. Teehee, crack. Awww, Az never went back to bed. The feather dress is... I'm not sure if I like it or not. LOL apple. Flashback! DRINK! "Oh my!" Wee!Az's yellow dress is so damn pretty, guys. And wow the blue smoke thing is really... yeah. "State yer business!" "I have tight pants and Glitch here is just plain adorable." How much of this speech is Resistance passcodes? I bet all of it. Lorraine is so badass. Aww, adorable kidlets! "Is nobody else hungry but me?"

Moritanium babble! Awww! And now a moment of pure Ambrose with the "What's it for?" bit. And then it was gone. "I invented it!" DRINK! I do love the soundtrack, guys, I do. I am unashamed in this. What's with the big pre-mindreading ceremonial who-ha here, Raw? "Priv-acy!" HAI BROSEY! My issue here of if anyone would know that she didn't have her full magical abilities anymore it'd be, you know, her right-hand man. One would assume. Also? OH GAWD THEIR LOVE.

What difference does the speed at which they remove the brain make? WOOBIE OMG WOOBIE WOOBIE WOOBIE. And oh Cain and your respect and DG and her head-huggings and Raw's all shoulder-patting and here's where I yell at DG A LOT for negating the head-hugging. Yes, my rabid entitled fangirl is showing but even a little quiet trailing off "And Glitch..." would have been good. But no. Also I see zilch romance here but we knew that. /entitled fangirl

LOL Cain being all pot calling the kettle black on letting go. And just in case we missed that we get a Pony! "Feisty, but fair... in bed." Aw, no excuses, just a shrug and a headshake. "We should all love someone that much." *implodes with shipper glee* Awwwwww! Woo, zipline! I've been on one of those, they're nifty. And Tutor is NOT too big to go over it. Okay, I move that the tree-thing never happened. You know the one. All in favor?

LOL former default icon. Oh Cain, so about to have your hopes and dreams demolished. *wibble* There really is no way to make this funny. Oh gawd DG and her memory-guiding blah blah blah. Skyward doth the answers lie! Awww, poor dead Xora! How much funnier would that line have been had he said "Wee beastie just came out of nowhere!"

The maze is comically huge. Why is the swing still there? I love how by "scorched" the clearly mean "changed into a creepy forest." Can we all agree that DG is the one drawn to darkness? So yeah, it's basically all your fault the world sucks, DG. Congrats!

That was too long too. Also sorry for the spammage.

tin man: squeecap recap

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