anyone? anyone?

Apr 08, 2008 03:20

Do any of you use I'M HAVING AN ISSUE.

I just created an account there the other night, and downloaded the software/scrobbler/whatever for my Winamp. Later on when I looked at my profile page, it had apparently pulled my listening history from Winamp's Library feature and had listed the artists I listen to most.

A lot of the music I have on my computer was untagged as it was taken from CDs I'd burned in the past. These files subsequently showed up as "[unknown]" on the "Top Artists Overall" list on Being OCD and wanting to remedy this, yet still wanting to keep the context of those burned CDs (for example, I know that "Teardrop" by Massive Attack is on one mix I made of downtempo music better than I know that it's on Mezzanine, because that's what I'm familiar with), I went through and individually tagged all of them so there was not one song without an artist on it.

I then reset my account, uninstalled and reinstalled the scrobbler thing, and then tried again. And I still have no "Top Artists Overall" list on my "reset" profile, and it's pissing me off.

Do I just have to get a new account or something?

Edit: ALSO, when I first installed the client, it showed up in my system tray as a silver bubble. Then later on, it was pink. What's the difference?

I just suddenly got unbearably annoyed with it and deleted my profile and am going to make a new one. Haha. I still want help, though! If this doesn't work I'm going to be really pissed.

winamp,, pain in the ass shit, music

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