tippin' on the tightrope.

Apr 09, 2010 05:33

I bought a five-dollar pair of Sentry earbuds last night to "replace" (temporarily) my faaaaavorite pair of headphones ever, a twenty-dollar pair made by Koss. These cheapies suck and I can't wait until I can more easily justify spending more than five bucks on a pair of earbuds. Haha ( Read more... )

cmcc, school, shopping

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Comments 9

irrational84 April 9 2010, 21:02:36 UTC
I don't know. The entry just below yours on my friends-list is about tampons or something. And I certainly haven't written anything meaningful lately. I don't have a Twitter or DW account. Maybe everyone's just really busy with school? :P


lonecellotheory April 10 2010, 14:46:54 UTC
It's not just Livejournal, it's personal blogging in general. I've seen a number of articles over the past couple of years about how long form blogging just isn't as appealing to the young folks coming of age right now, and that it may end up being seen as a characteristic of the younger segment of Gen X and the older members of Gen Y (or the Millenials, or whatever they've decided to call them now). Or maybe it's just cyclical, and we're in a lull right now.


kschap April 14 2010, 05:15:47 UTC
Well, I for one miss it!

Though writing regularly just seems less... important to me these days, as well. *shrug*


(The comment has been removed)

kschap April 14 2010, 05:14:22 UTC
I'll try! :)

And I know that sort of comment isn't 100% sarcastic coming from you, Dave. ;D


the3rdfiglet April 11 2010, 15:22:56 UTC
I dunno...I guess I started mine in college when I had a lot more free time, not a lot of friends, and was generally unhappy. Writing made me happy and took up any time I'd probably use to socialize. When I look back at my old LJs, I'm pleasantly surprised at my posts- maybe I was just better at writing then. Now when I sit down to write anything I just go blank, or, like you said, I feel weird writing about trivial things when I only update like, 3 times a year. I feel strange even telling people I have an LJ. I've tried to go on Twitter and I have a fairly active Facebook account but even putting any kind of update on those seems a bit much sometimes...I guess I'm definitely feeling a social networking backlash! There's just so much coming at you through the internet now, I just want to go outside and ignore it. But I like reading yours, for sure. I identify with a lot of things you say, and I'm glad I got to "meet" you through here ( ... )


kschap April 14 2010, 05:20:39 UTC
> When I look back at my old LJs, I'm pleasantly surprised at my posts- maybe I was just better at writing then.

Me too!

I never really let any of my "IRL" friends know I had a LiveJournal, so that aspect hasn't changed for me. Some people are still quite active here, so I don't feel embarrassed admitting to my LJ's existence most of the time. (I actually feel like MORE of a tool for having a Twitter account, lol.)

I'm glad I met you through LJ too. :) You're a cool person.

And as for school, I'm currently a human services major, but I'm proooooobably going to be changing to just liberal studies after this semester. I'm hoping to transfer to a 4-year program in either women's studies, history, or political science. I am as indecisive as ever--that's one thing that will probably never change. :D

Great userpic, by the way!


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theidolhands April 19 2010, 22:18:05 UTC
I liked all the comments here, especially yours. I'd say tl;dr is a phrase that sums up a lot about what is going on, it is not a fave of mine. ts;dr could stand to be started. When something is worth reading then length is not an issue, whereas I've been known to unfollow people on Twitter for their crass, meaningless drivel. Writing with intelligence and thought takes effort and near as I can tell that's very uncool too (not to mention, gosh, challenging). We're not supposed to call anyone lazy though, no, no, those that use effort are rather assholes. yes. We're fine, we're changing nothing.

Apathy is the new...something. *fake exasperated sigh* Being excited about learning is for losers, apparently, even if you're paying through the nose for it. Speaking could get you *GASP!!* judged and it might show that you *GASP!!* care and have, like, I dunno, intelligence. pfft. Who wants that ( ... )


kschap April 20 2010, 01:53:25 UTC
> Being excited about learning is for losers, apparently, even if you're paying through the nose for it.

Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I thought so much about this when I had just started back to college. It was my first time taking a class since 2006, and I had sort of forgotten how BORED most students seem to be, sitting in a classroom. My class on developmental disabilities this semester suffers a bit from an inexperienced instructor, but suffers more from a disengaged, uninterested, just-there-for-a-psych-credit class. I can make just about any subject exciting in my head--I almost disclaimed that by saying "except trig," but I think at this point, I'd sort of enjoy a vigorous mathematical challenge--as life is an exciting thing. I do get very burned out, though, when I'm SURROUNDED by apathy. I just have to force myself, this time around, to sit in the front row and not care about others' involvement. Or non-involvement. :)

And I'm totally with you on "ts;dr." :D


theidolhands April 20 2010, 02:24:06 UTC
1. awesome icon

2. it's true, the students don't realize that they just make it WORSE (when they could be doing the opposite).

3. I do get very burned out, though, when I'm SURROUNDED by apathy. I just have to force myself, this time around, to sit in the front row and not care about others' involvement. Or non-involvement.



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