Title: More to Life Rating: PG Length: One Shot (7000+ words) Genre: au, hospital, angst, happy ending, Pairings: Sakurai Sho/Aiba Masaki, Ohno Satoshi/Ninomiya Kazunari (Side) Disclaimer: I only own the plot,
I've really enjoyed this OS, even if I'm a Ohmiya fan (can't be helped), it was an really emotional story, I'm glad Aiba and Sho have found in the other this light they needed in their life. I've enjoyed also the lenght of your story, thanks Krys!
No.No.No. This is not a rubbish as i always love to read your long story specially sakuraiba and ohmiya. Make me waiting what had happen. at first i thought it was sad ending as i saw hospital and angst but didnt read the note you got there. So, i just read and its really good feeling. Im waiting what they will do next. About the how hospital things work, i dont know either. :b Thank You!
Poor Nino and OHno,ne??? but Sho didn't want to report this, ne? Aiba.... so He was with an old man to fulfill the promise he made to his brother....this is really sad, and also, he died with Aiba! Sho was suffering too, ne? And J!!! poor kid!!!!
OMG!!! So Nino knows that Sho wanted to be wiith Aiba and the other way, ne? he is amazing!!!! And now my Sakuraiba is married and with a hospital!!!!!
thanks for your hard woe¡rk and waiting for more!!!!!! ^3^
Comments 4
About the how hospital things work, i dont know either. :b
Thank You!
I was really surprised to see this one shot!!!
Poor Nino and OHno,ne??? but Sho didn't want to report this, ne?
Aiba.... so He was with an old man to fulfill the promise he made to his brother....this is really sad, and also, he died with Aiba!
Sho was suffering too, ne?
And J!!! poor kid!!!!
OMG!!! So Nino knows that Sho wanted to be wiith Aiba and the other way, ne? he is amazing!!!!
And now my Sakuraiba is married and with a hospital!!!!!
thanks for your hard woe¡rk and waiting for more!!!!!! ^3^
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