Why Not Me? (Part 1)

Feb 09, 2012 10:50

Title: Why Not Me?

Author: krystalkatz
Rating: PG
Length: chaptered
Genre: Au, Angst,

Pairings: Matsumoto Jun/Ninomiya Kazunari, Ohno Satoshi/Ninomiya Kazunari, Matsumoto Jun /Aiba Masaki (Broken),

Disclaimer: I only own the plot

A/N: Written for anakorangutan who kindly donated for the help_pilipinas auction I hope you like it J

For the past few months Ninomiya Kazunari had been wondering if there was anything worse than the pain of seeing someone you were in love with dating your best friend, and he decided that there was and that was when they broke up and you realised that you might not even see that person again, because no matter how much you hated seeing them with some else at least you got to see them, to be a part of their life no matter how small. He wondered vaguely if he was masochist for being willing to put up with the pain to able to see him smile, that big goofy smile that didn’t fit his image at all, the way he would sometimes forget that he was meant to be a super idol and do geeky things like read manga with more than a little childish delight. Nino tried pushing those thoughts away ordering another drink, that was all over now, Aiba his best friend had broken up with him rather spectacularly that morning and there was no chance that he would even be able to see him again. Even as he was thinking that the object of his thoughts came in towards the bar, without even looking at him, he ordered a drink and went to sit in one of the big squishy chairs in the ‘quiet section’ of the rather loud club, draining his drink Nino ordered another one his sharp mind running over his options. Matsumoto had been his secret crush for almost two years, before he and Aiba had started dating he had only seen him from afar and had never even dreamed about talking to him except to ask for his order, but he was his perfect guy, he had always sat at table 4d every lunch and had ordered coffee. Nino had looked forwards to those few minutes, and then he had gotten Aiba the part time job for the summer and by the end of his first day he had gotten his number and they had started dating soon after. Matsu no longer sat at table 4d and whenever Nino did see him he was either tongue wrestling Aiba or glaring at him. Not that Nino had really helped to protect what was left of his heart he had built up and pretty strong wall around it and had been as snarky and cold as possible so his friend or Matsu would realise how soul destroying it was for him having to listen to them doing their bedroom activities at night, or how much he didn’t want to have to witness the love bites that were dotted over their bodies in the mornings.  He had brought a lot of guys home trying to fill the void, but the more he knew about Matsu the less it became just a mild crush and developed into real love. He had forced all those feelings away because he wanted his friend to be happy, but now he wanted to be able to somehow wipe the pain that was shadowing the idols eyes, taking a deep breath he swallowed  the second drink and slowly walked to the chair beside him and sank into it, Aiba was his best friend almost like his brother but right now he hated him, “Are you okay?” he asked over the loud club music

“As if you care” Matsu muttered so softly, Nino barely heard him over the pumping music “Why the fuck don’t you go bother someone else… You got what you wanted you got your best friend back, now fuck off where you came from and let me get drunk in peace…” he snapped and Nino ignored the pain he was feeling and stood up about to leave when Matsu grabbed his arm “You made him leave me, right? You poisoned him against me…”

“Yeah, yeah I did all that, I purposely set out to ruin your life…” Nino sighed rolling his eyes, wondering why he even bothered trying to talk to him, Matsu had made it clear from the first day he had started dating Aiba that he hated the very sight of him.

“Wouldn’t surprise me, you love Masaki too right? Why not just ask him out?”

“I love Aiba?” Nino repeated stupidly wondering how the hell Matsu had formed that idea, he pulled his hand out of his grip before he said something stupid like ‘I love you’ and ran to the dance floor glad to see one of his ‘friends’ Ohno Satoshi dancing with another guy, “Oh-chan” He whined throwing his arms around the older guy, ignoring the one he had been dancing with. Ohno gave a laugh hugging him tightly, as they started dancing swaying side to side that was slightly to gentle for the style of song that was playing. Nino buried his face into Ohno’s neck breathing in the warm scent letting it make him forget Matsu at least for now. He wasn’t sure how much he drank but when he woke the next morning he had a sore head and a sore ass and Ohno was laying half over him. Nino smiled pinching the chubby almost baby like cheeks, Ohno was a good guy that he knew would always look after him, but no matter how hard he tried Nino couldn’t fall in love with him, at least not while his heart still belonged to someone else. After a lot of pinching Ohno opened his eyes and looked up at him,

“I’m here again?” He asked groggily and Nino nodded smiling “Shit, do you remember what happened to my date?”

“Nope” Nino shrugged feeling only half guilty as Ohno got off of him,

“Damn, you know with the amount of times I end up coming back here we might as well say we’re dating and be done with it” Ohno said grabbing his t-shirt from the floor, Nino tensed “Relax I was only joking…”

“Why not? Why don’t we just start dating? I like you…”

“And I like you, but I think my like is different from your like, Nino, relax though, like a kicked puppy I’ll always come running back to you” Ohno said ruffling his hair and then stroking his cheek, “Until you forget all about that guy and realise that I’m the best guy for you…Or he realises how great you are and falls in love with you too…”

“I don’t think that’s ever going to happen…” Nino grumbled

“Yeah, well like I said I’m here, even if I have a date” Ohno said pulling on his jeans “I’d better go, I’ve got work…”

“Thanks Oh-chan” Nino said and Ohno waved a hand leaving the bedroom, he heard him greet Aiba and then the front door open. Nino groaned opening the drawer at the side of his bed and pulling out some painkillers and some bottled water, just as his bedroom door opened and Aiba came running in and jumping on the bed like an excited puppy and Nino wondered how he was managing to hate this guy,

“Oh-chan was here again!”

“Yeah, I kind of noticed” Nino mumbled as he shifted his position and pinched his nose wanting to understand how anybody could be so loud in the mornings. Aiba laughed

“So are you actually dating or…”

“No, were just friends” Nino mumbled

“Yeah, but you never bring your other friends home as often as you do Oh-chan” Aiba said and Nino searched his eyes, looking for some sign that he was just as cut up about his break up with Matsu as much as Matsu was.

“Aiba… Are you sure about breaking up with Matsumoto…” He asked slowly and there was a shadow in his friend’s eyes but he nodded quickly

“Yep… Me and him weren’t meant to be together” He said easily and Nino grumbled something about having a headache and pulling the cover over his head to stop himself from doing something stupid like punching him he tried to work out where his own life was, Ohno loved him, he loved Matsu and Matsu loved Aiba, so who the hell did Aiba love? And why couldn’t he just accept the feelings of the loving Ohno? Why Aiba? Why not me?


A/N: For anakorangutan who donated and wanted MatsuMiya with past JunBa, I hope you like it ^.^

junba, matsumiya, ohmiya

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