Guess what happened to me...

Nov 10, 2015 12:00

You know I went to that open day for the art teacher franchise thing I was interested in last Saturday? I'm not going to detail everything that happened there, because that would be pointless as you will see.  Basically it was about an equal mix of sounding like something good that I might be interested in, and then it all getting a bit corporate- ( Read more... )

navelgazing, work, corporate nonsense

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kryptyd November 10 2015, 17:33:12 UTC
Aww, thanks for the lovely, thoughtful answer!

You're right, of course. I don't think I am the right kind of person for it. I was just a little bit taken aback by them turning me down!

And yes, there is nothing to stop me from totally copying their classes should I want to. They had me sign a non-disclosure agreement before the event, but they neglected to collect it from me, haha!


kryptyd November 10 2015, 17:38:29 UTC
Oh yes, and not lucrative either. They said "you get out what you put in" several times. Which I suppose is code for sell, sell, sell art supplies!


eor November 12 2015, 01:25:11 UTC
I think you'll be happier to have missed that opportunity.

You went expecting them to pitch you a business plan. I suspect they were looking for cheerleaders with plenty of ready cash to buy inventory.

The NDA is a nice touch. Then if you did get involved and felt like they were fleecing you, you couldn't go to the press because it would violate the NDA and open you to damages.

Then again, I'm a cynical bastard.


kryptyd November 12 2015, 14:08:26 UTC
Ho hum. You're right I suppose.

I was iffy about the whole thing, and you are supposed to go away from those things all excited and enthused (and brainwashed...)


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