Yes, incredible, but here you have a new challenge!I just want to still with this round so all the participants who wanna continuous with the lims just have to enter their icons. If only enter their icons 5 people i'll stop the lims and i'll open a new round or i'll close the comm.
+ You can only enter if your name is listed
here+ You can use skip in this challenge. Only 5 people can use a skip. If you want to use one leave a comment here
+ You can only use the provided pictures.
+ You're allowed to do whatever you want with your icon, except animation.
+ Entries should fit LJ standards (100*100 px)
+ Entries should remain anonymous until results are posted.
+ Post your entry as a comment to this post with image + url
+ Promote the community, and earn an extra skip, leave a comment
in this post with your promo-post.
+ Comments are screened
+Icons are due Saturday 25th October at 8:00 pm(GTM +1)
+ Solo puedes entrar en este challenge si tu nombre esta apuntado
+ Se pueden usar skips.Solo 5 personas pueden usarlo. Si quieres usar uno en esta ronda deja un comentario aqui.
+ Solo podeis usar las fotos que os doy.
+ Puedes incluir al icon lo que quieras, excepto animaciones.
+ Las entradas deben tener las medidas estandars (100*100 px)
+ Las entradas deberan ser anonimas hasta que los resultados se posteen.
+ Pon tu entrada en un comentario de este post con la imagen + url.
+ Promociona la comunidad y recibiras un skip extra. Deja un comentario
en este post con tu promocion(link).
+ Los comentarios estan escrineados(vamos que solo los puedo ver yo)
+ Teneis que poner vuestro icon aqui y teneis como plazo maximo hasta el Sabado 25 de Octubre a las 20:00(Madrid, GTM +1)
Pictures(click on the photos for see in the real size and quality)
Participants without icon:(7/16)
pilar20 +0 skip
twiilightzone +1 skips
jhedo +2 skips
mira_y_calla +1 skip
gemuca +1 skip USING SKIP
gws +1 skips
puntoyapartee +1 skip USING A SKIP
lilly_lametta +1 skip
harvardbarbie +1 skip
I hope to see your icons!&hearts