Title: Well, this can't be good (WIP) 2/?
Author: Kristen
Pairing/Character: Keith, Veronica, Logan (mentions of ensemble)
Word Count: 2362
Rating: G
Summary: It's called 'stealth', dad. One of the things I picked up from the FBI.
Spoilers: Futurefic, know the whole series
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with the owners,
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Comments 9
I loved the Keith/Veronica interaction in this. They have an awesome relationship, which you've really captured.
I'm wondering if Logan really does believe that something nefarious happened to Candice, or if he's just upset that yet another person in his life has abandoned him and he's trying to justify it. I feel so bad for both him and Veronica. Sure, their relationship is difficult, but they hurt so much when they're apart, and I believe that they only feel better with each other.
I'm glad you addressed where Keith will be getting money, because they definitely can't afford for him not to be working.
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