Timeline of the Life of Kristen Hale

Nov 23, 2004 11:11

Both random and important events of Kristen's life, including when and how she met the various people she has talked to. (Now would meeting them be random or important? Hmm...) You will probably think that most of them are completely unimportant because they do not relate to the plot, which they don't, but I think that the more I know about Kristen's life so far, the easier it is to understand and play her. Plus, it's fun searching on Wikipedia for random things related to Manchester. XD (If anyone wants to teach me the Mancunian dialect so Kristen can speak it, I'd love you forever. For now though, I'm going with the fact that her mother is London born and that's who she learned to talk from...yeah.)

Onto the timeline!

Note: If I say soccer, I mean soccer. If I say football, I still mean soccer. I'm just weird, pay no attention to my oddities.

Note #2: IG years. So 2006=2007, 2005=2006, and so on.

-Kristen Hale was born to Amelia Hale on November 23rd. Kristen still does not know the name of her father, and Amelia will not tell her.

-Amelia didn't have much time for music but this was the time of the Madchester era. Amelia, still a teenager, fell in love with the Madchester bands like The Stone Roses and James. Thus, Kristen grew up listening to these bands. (Her nanny, mentioned in 1990, also listened to these bands as it was a very big thing in Manchester and Britain at the time, so she really was surrounded by this music.) She still listens to them now.

-Kristen went through five babysitters in three days because they couldn't handle her. Amelia began to take her to work all of the time, instead of just the times when she couldn't find a babysitter who wasn't in school, but finally found the perfect person when a nanny ordering a cheeseburger at the McDonald's Amelia was working at offered to help Amelia. The woman did not ask for a high salary and she had good references, so Amelia hired her. The nanny stayed with Kristen every day for the entire day up until she was three, when Kristen was sent to kindergarten, participated in the after-school babysitting programs at her school, and had a neighbor make her dinner and tuck her into bed when Amelia was working a night shift, which was more often than not.


-Amelia and Kristen were invited to the wedding of one of Amelia's co-workers in December. The heavyset, three year old ringbearer (think mini-Dudley) made a move to kiss Kristen on the cheek and she pushed the boy away so hard he fell backwards and almost broke his wrist. He was crying the rest of the night and all Kristen could say was...well she didn't say much since she was only three, but she attempted to apologize. "Sowwy Edward!"

-Amelia enrolled Kristen in the Hulme Kindergarten located in Oldham, Great Manchester.

-Amelia took her first day off in five years to spend some time with her daughter. As they were talking, Kristen learned that her mother was a dancer when she was younger. Amelia had said that dancing had taken up a lot of her time, but it was great fun too. A week later, Kristen asked her mom to sign her up for dance classes. Amelia agreed and Kristen began to go to dance classes down the street from her apartment. She was naturally gifted at dancing, probably something she inherited from her mother, and she worked hard too, so she was soon at the top of her dance classes, making her mother very proud.

-An older girl named Paige joined Kristen's dance class at the beginning of the year. While there was a huge age difference, five and fourteen, the two became friends in an older sister/younger sister sort of way. Paige was a soccer player too, and she got Kristen interested in soccer, and Kristen joined the local youth soccer team. She already understood the rules of the game (her nanny had been a huge Manchester United fan) and started off playing well. Within three months of practice, she was better than most of the girls her age. She continued to play soccer up until she left for Hogwarts. She played different positions depending on where her coaches wanted her, including goalkeeper, center midfielder, winger, and center forward.


-Kristen met her grandparents, Amelia's parents, for the first time as they traveled to Manchester to make sure that their daughter and granddaughter were safe after the IRA bombing. The same grandparents who had been denying their relationship to her and her mother for seven years, when Amelia was pregnant out of wedlock. (The two did not actually care, of course, for the safety of "that girl and her hideous child" but people were asking and it would have negatively affected them if anyone found out that they were cruel and uncaring, as they held important positions in the city and country.) After Kristen was uncharacteristically violent/angry but loyal to her mother as always, smacking her grandmother right across the face and throwing the large, chocolate cake the Hales had brought into the face of her grandfather, also ruining his designer suit and tie, Kristen believes that that was probably the last time she would meet her grandparents too.

-Amelia enrolled Kristen in the Estcourt Preparatory School,the next step after Kindergarten at at the Oldham Hulme Grammar Schools, much to Kristen's disapproval. Kristen, mature for a seven year old, insisted that her mother not enroll her in this school because of the tuition, but Amelia would not take "no" for an answer. Kristen entered this all girls school for ages 7-11 in September.

-At Escourt, music is taken seriously. It is considered to be something every young lady should take part in. To avoid glares from the headmistress, Kristen attempted to play the flute for her first year at Estcourt. She was fine at it but didn't enjoy it as much as some of the other girls.


-Kristen isn't rich by any standards, but quite a few of her classmates at Estcourt were the complete opposite. She didn't purposefully take advantage of them because that would be rude, but when a close friend invited her to Barcelona (Spain! :O) for a few days to see the 1999 UEFA Champions League Final near the end of May, she didn't refuse and lucky for Kristen, neither did her mother. It was her first (and only, not including Hogwarts) time out of the country and she still considers it to be one of the most exciting events in the muggle portion of her life.

-For her third year at Estcourt, Kristen changed her focus from the flute to the violin, anxious to play an instrument not involving pain of the lungs. Again, she was just average at it.

-Kristen moved on to the Girls' Senior School of the Oldham Hulme Grammar Schools, reluctant of course because of the high tuition when she could easily go to a cheaper high school. Again, Amelia would not take no for an answer. She would not allow her child to miss out on the education she should have. Amelia would work three extra jobs if she had to to assure that Kristen wouldn't grow up to work as a waitress for her entire life.

-Kristen and her friend, a Swedish girl new to the Oldham Hulme Grammar School system and Britain in general, began a tradition of going to the Palace Theatre once a month to see a show. This friend's parents were far too rich for their own good, so Kristen didn't even have to worry about paying for a ticket. The tradition was short-lived however, when the friend moved to New Zealand with her family two months after the tradition began. What a shame, Kristen actually enjoyed those two shows and being hushed by the other people watching.

-The Girls' Senior School hosted a foreign exchange student from the USA in December. This girl, Julie, brought with her a guitar. Kristen began to talk with her one afternoon while she was playing. Kristen became fascinated with the guitar and changed her individual music lessons, once again, from violin to guitar. She was better at the guitar than the violin and flute, but she never got too far with it as her lessons only lasted from January to July.

-During the summer, Kristen received her invitation to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her mother allowed her to accept this after a lot of convincing. The two also managed to convince the neighbors and Kristen's current school that Kristen was moving in with her great-grandmother, Amelia's grandmother, in Germany, because of Amelia and Kristen's financial problems. In Germany, she would get a better education and her great-grandmother could take care of her. She wasn't going to Germany of course though, and Kristen traveled to Diagon Alley with her mother on August 31st, bought her supplies, stayed at a cheap hotel, and went to King's Cross the following morning to get on the Hogwarts Express for the first of many times. (They could not afford two separate trips to London.)

-In Diagon Alley, before she went to Hogwarts, Kristen met Mike Kilbane, bartender at the Leaky Cauldron, and they became friends.

-On the Hogwarts Express, Kristen met Melody Renault. No one seemed to want Melody in their car but Kristen welcomed Melody into hers. The two talked and became great friends.

-Kristen was sorted by the sorting hat. It debated between Gryffindor because of her bravery in the face of injustice and maybe even Slytherin for her determination. In the end however, it decided that her bravery in times of unfairness was a result of her undying loyalty to her friends and her determination was more that she was very hard-working, so she was sorted into Hufflepuff.

-Kristen fell in love with History of Magic. To her, History wasn't something you really had to understand. Nothing like math where you had to learn a formula then use it in 3588468 different ways. For History, you learned an event and you knew it. End of story. Not only did she find it to be an easy class, she thought it was quite interesting too, once she began to imagine in her mind a bunch of goblins running around screaming curses at each other.

-Kristen met Grant Tucker during her Astronomy class. They bonded over muggleness and became friends.

-Kristen had her first flying class soon after she arrived at Hogwarts. Even though she had never ridden before, it seemed that she was a natural. With her newfound flying abilities and her quick reflexes she had developed from years playing goalie on the soccer team, word began to spread that she could be a pretty great chaser. (Many people suggested she would be a better keeper, as keepers in football and keepers in Quidditch even share the same name, and she tried playing the position, but found that she didn't enjoy not being able to fly around as much.) She had begun to love Quidditch from talking to her new pureblood and half-blood friends about it and from watching the Quidditch teams practice and after that, she began to train using a broom borrowed from an older Hufflepuff.

-Kristen met Esme Hinde on the Quidditch pitch and the two quickly became friends.

-Kristen returned from her first year at Hogwarts to a lot of questions. She rattled off a few German words she had heard somewhere before, made up a few more, and then explained that the school she had been attending in Germany mostly spoke English anyway because they believed that  English was the language of the world.  Her neighbors were delighted to be native speakers of this language of the world, and she was no longer annoyed with questions about the German language. Thank goodness.

-Kristen returned to Hogwarts as a second year.

-Kristen added the Muggle Studies elective, thinking it would be an easy class seeing as she was a Muggle. It was easy, yes, but she ended up being bored by it so much, not even amused by the constant mispronunciations by her fellow students, that she decided that she would drop it as soon as possible.

-Kristen began her third year at Hogwarts.

-Kristen added Arithmancy to her class schedule, foolishly ignoring the desperate warnings of her classmates, thinking that magic math had to be better than muggle math, something she had not liked at all during her time with muggle schooling. When she added it, she was very hopeful that she would be great at the class and she'd finally be good at something other than just History of Magic. After one class, she would have given anything to take back adding it, to escape what she called from then on "hell on earth."

-By this time, Amelia had saved up enough money (the money that would have been used to feed Kristen) to buy Kristen a pet. Kristen chose to buy an owl so that she wouldn't have to use Hogwarts' stubborn owls to communicate with her mother, which she did quite often. (A message every week, no matter what.) When she went into the shop, she noticed a small owl in the corner. According to the shop owner, as cute as he was, no one wanted to buy him because he was so small; they didn't believe he would be able to carry packages or long letters. Kristen felt bad for him and had faith that he was stronger than the other customers had given him credit for, and she bought him. She named him Puff...because she liked the word. She later realized how fitting the name was, since he seemed very (Huffle)Puff-like (loyal, hardworking, etc), if owls could be sorted into houses.

-Kristen began her fourth year at Hogwarts.

-Jumping at the chance to get rid of math forever, Kristen dropped Arithmancy immediately after she saw her head of house in the Great Hall. She had wanted to drop Muggle Studies since her second year, but she believed that Muggle Studies could not compare to Arithmancy so she sucked up learning what she considered common sense for the next year. She also added Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures. She soon realized Ancient Runes was almost as awful as Arithmancy and eventually gave up even attempting to translate the runes, despite her hard-working character.

-The summer after graduating from her fourth year at Hogwarts, Kristen got a summer job as a camp counselor. She taught younger kids how to play soccer and watched over them as they did their other camp-y activities. By the end of the summer, Kristen had finally saved up enough money to buy her own broom. She bought a Cleansweep 5. It was cheap and certainly not the best on the market, but it worked, and that was more than she could say for the Hogwarts brooms.

-Kristen began her fifth year at Hogwarts in September.

-As much as Kristen disliked Ancient Runes, she was finally fed up with learning about muggles from a wizard's perspective and dropped Muggle Studies before she had to take an OWL on it. She added Divination in its place. She did not hate the class, luckily, and she actually found it to be quite interesting, but she certainly wasn't very good at it. Seer doesn't run in her blood apparently..not really too surprising since the rest of her family is magic-free.

-Kristen took her OWLs in June. Eager to move on to sixth year and not fail out of Hogwarts, she studied hard. In the end, she managed to get OWLs in most of her classes. She received her only 'O' in History of Magic, her best class. She received an 'E' in Charms. She received 'A's in many of her classes including Care of Magical Creatures, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions, and Transfiguration. Kristen blanked out during the Astronomy test, forgetting most of her study material due to her nervousness, but still managed to pull off a 'P', which isn't passing but it's not a 'T' either. Finally, she got 'D's in Ancient Runes, a class she had somehow never managed to drop, and Divination, where she could not see anything in her silly cup and didn't have enough creativity at the time to make up something good.

-Kristen began her sixth year at Hogwarts.



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