DRABBLE: Snitches (Hermione/Neville)

Oct 02, 2015 12:05

Title: Snitches
Character Pairing: Hermione/Neville
Prompt: masquerade
Rating: G
Word Count: 202
Summary: Hermione and Neville in costume
Author's Notes: Just a little bit of Halloween fun!
Link to Prompt Table: Here

Hermione stifled a burst of laughter as Neville approached her at the first-ever Hogwarts Halloween Homecoming. Students, alumni, even a few former professors were gathered in the Great Hall for the big celebration. And most were garbed in costume.

"What are you, a bear?" She giggled again as Neville playfully loped towards her.

"Nope. Try again." He didn't stop until he was a few inches from her, and the mood instantly turned from lighthearted to something far more flirtatious.

Then he sniffed her.

"Neville!" Hermione ducked away, but he followed her, nuzzling her hair and shoulder. "I give up!" she laughed.

"Tsk, Professor Granger," Neville chastised her. "You need a refresher course in Care of Magical Creatures if you don't recognize a niffler."

This squeezed another chuckle out of Hermione, and she looked him over more keenly. "I suppose," she said finally. "Only I'm not treasure."

"Oy. We can't all be as good as you at costumes." Neville ran his eyes over her golden bodysuit and then the fluttering silver wings spelled to sprout from her back. "It's called the golden snitch, Hermione. Gold." He paused and then stepped forward to whisper into her ear. "And, anyway, you're my definition of treasure."

pairing: hermione/neville, user: krissy_cits, rarepair_shorts, *het

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