Title: Handpicked
Author: Kris S.
Fandom: Tennis RPS
Pairing: Jamie Murray/Tim Henman
Other Player: Andy Murray
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: This did not happen.
Summary: Now that Andy is sure that something should happen between Tim and Jamie, he takes steps to making that happen.
Author's Note: After finishing
The Chosen (which was basically a request from myself), I found there was actually something slashy I could work with, hence the sequel. Jumping to Tim's last match (Davis Cup 2007), which is actually the only time these two played doubles together. But now that all my stories have been wrapped up, I don't know what I'm going to do :)
When Andy gets it in his head that he's right, there is no stopping him.
Even if he's wrong.
Jamie can't imagine the version of Tim that Andy describes.
After all, if Andy is right, there is no reason for Tim to hold back.
Which therefore proves Andy is delusional.
* * * * *
Jamie expects to hear complaining about bailing on the dinner that Andy had been treating as a surprise. Instead, he's greeted with a narrow glare that reminds Jamie of them playing against each other on the court when they were in primary school. No actual words exchanged on the subject but Jamie knows Andy is probably plotting what to do next.
Nothing further happens regarding the Tim situation in the time that Jamie is home. He goes off to his next doubles tournament and it falls out of mind.
Well, except for the whole thing about Jamie playing doubles with Tim in front of the British crowd in what will be Tim's last professional match.
Now, it isn't as if Jamie didn't know that Tim was retiring after the Davis Cup tie. Nonetheless, he is taken by surprise that they'll be on the same side of the net. Andy has played doubles with Tim before but Jamie has never had the privilege.
Of course, nerves will be a factor, since all eyes of England will be on this match. At least with the mixed doubles title match, there was only one day, not weeks, to think about it.
A few days before the tie, Tim calls him for a practice session. When Jamie mentions it to Andy, his brother says that he's sure they will get a long, sweaty workout - with tennis in between.
* * * * *
It isn't until Jamie arrives on the court and finds Tim stretching that he realizes they've never been alone. That shouldn't be a big deal but it feels that way.
The session is a clumsy disaster. The racket feels like a foreign object and the court is six feet wide, he misses shots so frequently.
It is so frustrating to not be able to do anything right. In front of Tim, no less. Jamie figures the next words out of Tim's mouth will be that he'd rather play with Andy.
Of course, Tim is nothing if not loyal. It is likely he wouldn't actually do that. The federation might if they have spies here, but not Tim.
When the torture is over, Tim doesn't say anything about the play on the court. Instead, he suggests they get a bite to eat.
* * * * *
"We need a strategy," Tim says plainly while picking at the salad in front of him. "Some way to work together as a team so we can deal with the coaches tomorrow."
"Look, it will get better. Don't write us off yet."
"I don't intend to do that. You need to focus. I know that we can work but not this way."
"I know. I know," irritation creeping into Jamie's voice.
Tim jokes, "Should I call Jelena and have her give you advice over the phone? She seemed to keep your attention at Wimbledon."
"I don't know if you realize this but she flirts with practically every guy she sees."
"It worked," Tim says. "What was it she said? She tempted you with kisses?"
"That's what she told the press."
"So it isn't true?" Tim's eyes stay on Jamie when he asks. Jamie thinks he's imagining the jealousy creeping in Tim's voice.
"I wouldn't have complained if she meant it. But that's just the way she is."
"I guess I figured that you'd need that kind of motivation. It's just I thought... don't take this the wrong way, but... I sometimes would think you couldn't realize how good a player you are because everyone just sees the ways in which you're not Andy. I mean, I've known you long enough to see you as a completely separate entity. That, if England wants to win this match instead of making it some symbolic passing-of-the-torch, you're the one I'd want." The end of that sentence hangs in the air, as if there was more than Tim meant to say there. He adds defensively, "Serve and volley is basically essential in grass doubles."
Even taking what Tim said at face value, it still means something for a great player like Tim to say that about him. Damn Andy for putting other thoughts in his head to make it seem another way.
* * * * *
Although practices improve somewhat in front of the coaches, it's still not up to par and everyone knows it. The federation is voicing doubts about the pairing. Tim puts his foot down on the subject, that he'll just play the singles if Jamie is replaced. That they can't simply replace the defending Wimbledon champion in his event.
Jamie refuses to admit that it sounds grander when Tim say it.
Tim is gathering his stuff when Jamie finishes his shower. Based on how slow Tim is doing that, it's clear he's waiting to say something more so Jamie cuts him off. "You didn't have to sell me quite that much. They are right if they opt to replace me. You are the great player. I just got lucky to win something you've always wanted."
The puzzled look on Tim's face as he raises his head is enough for Jamie to turn in the opposite direction. Jamie heads to his locker and quickly changes into a t-shirt and jeans before sitting down on the bench, head down as he's muttering to himself. He's not angry with the turn of events, just frustrated with everything that is and isn't happening.
Jamie can hear footsteps heading his way and doesn't want to see him. Not like this. "What have you always wanted?" Tim says cautiously.
"Don't worry about it," Jamie says, deliberately dodging the question. "I appreciate you thinking highly of me and it will be okay when we're in front of that crowd."
"We don't have to win. There are other matches. Just relax and enjoy the moment. That's when you play well, goofing around as if it's just friends practicing. I imagine that is why Jelena joked about the kisses." Tim cautiously adds, "Even though there weren't any."
"Andy has said things. Messing with my head."
"You. This is so stupid."
Tim leans against the locker, thinking. The longer the silence lingers, the clearer to Tim exactly what Andy said. "He shouldn't have said that to you," Tim finally says.
"So you know what I'm talking about?"
"Yeah. Andy had been bugging me right before you won Wimbledon. He thought that he could ensure victory if I were to give you a good luck kiss. Maybe to motivate you toward getting the kiss from Jelena so your mind would be on anything other than the moment." Tim shakes his head. "I've been around him for years so you'd think I'd understand how his mind works by now but no..."
This conversation cannot be happening. The words spill out so fast that it's a wonder Jamie isn't stumbling over them. "That is a screwed up way of motivating. I mean, if anything, my mind has been wandering these last few days mainly because he said that. This is why Andy should not have any down time or ever get hurt because he manages to be like a bull in a china shop, messing with everyone else's lives. The china was perfectly happy being undisturbed before that bull ruined the bliss."
Tim sits next to Jamie on the bench, being quite deliberating when he asks, "Are you sure you're okay?"
"It was supposed to be Andy, not me."
"Andy will win Grand Slams, I am sure..."
Jamie's voice is soft when he states, "Not what I meant." He glances Tim's way, wondering his reaction. Because if Andy is wrong about Tim, Jamie has officially killed any chance of success this weekend. Or, really, ever because Andy will never let him forget that he fell for this joke. When the moment lingers past a minute, Jamie starts to get up, "So I should just tell Andy to be ready..." He is stopped by Tim's hand reaching up and around to his cheek, forcing Jamie to face him.
"It will be okay. You will be the one who's ready." Tim then leans in and brushes a light kiss over Jamie's lips. Tim pulls away, watching.
A sly grin graces the Scot's face, as he says, "So we win this tie and then, guess what, you'll have a lot of time on your hands. Certainly have time to figure out if this is a monumental mistake and what punishment would be appropriate. But, for right now, we can now say safely it's Andy's fault if we lose."
Tim chuckles at the change in mood, pointing out, "If we win, he will be taking credit for it.."