Aug 25, 2009 23:11
I got the results of my blood tests back for the vitamin B12 and D. I'm very low in D (it's supposed to be something above 44, I believe, and mine is at 19), and I'm dangerously low in B12 (it's supposed to be 400-something and mine is 100-something). Apparently being very, very low in B12 can cause irreversible damage to the nervous system and can cause numbness among other things.
So Kim called me to tell me those results. She said she called in an Rx grade D vitamin for me to take, and then she said (just so matter-of-factly) that I needed to come in once a week for the next month and then once a month after that to get B12 injections.
....I'm sorry?
Needles + Me = No. After having a small fret-fest and wringing of hands, I e-mailed the nurse explaining that I am phobic of needles (which Kim already KNEW D:<) and pleaded for an alternative way to take it. Even ignoring the needles, I don't want to be sitting in their office waiting room once a month during cold & flu season. I also seriously doubted my insurance would have paid for it.
Earlier this afternoon Kim was my hero for responding to the e-mail telling me I could take an oral supliment and be just fine as long as it's 1000mcg a day. I'm going to be looking for a sublingual tablet that dissolves under the tongue rather than the kind you swallow just in case I'm deficient because of a digestion problem.
I'm hoping that between the B12, D, and chiro visits, I'll finally be fixed.