#25 Fools on Parade

Nov 10, 2016 11:02

Prompt Number: #25
Author: exollegiance
Title: Fools on Parade
Words: 7,377 words
Rating: PG-13
Summary: He could remember clearly the first time he met Kris. This was how it all began: with a broken arm, and pirates.
Author's note: dear prompter, I hope you'll like this fic! And for the lovely mods, thank you so much for hosting the fest and thank you so ( Read more... )

round two

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Comments 1

arisa_sama November 18 2016, 05:50:13 UTC
This was angsty but so sweet! I loved how Kris and Baekhyun met and became friends, their first kiss, and the jealousy~ haha But above all the best is how they still love each other so much and just can't stay apart despite the relationship strains.
Thanks for writing! :)


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