HP was the first fandom that I'd followed from start to finish. Since then, I've distanced myself a bit because it was so very hard when canon ended and I knew that there wouldn't be anymore. I feel your pain.
Have fun travelling and getting books signed. I'd like to hear about your adventures.
HP ending was a lot like this as well, yes - a little different for me, as I only really got into the HP/SSHG fandom properly in 2007, half a year before DH came out, so most of my fandom experience took place either in the anticipation of the final book or in the years following it.
With SP, I've been involved in this fandom on a regular basis for the last four full novels + extras, since 2010/2011, so while my involvement was really never the same level as with SSHG - it's a very different fandom, much younger to start with - it's also ... well. Hard.
And canon being over is really hard this time because I've honestly never been so emotionally involved with one particular fictional character before, in any medium. LOL. At least I know I'm not the only fan leaving this series desperately in love with a skeleton. :D
I'll definitely be making an effort to be around more on LJ again, so I hope to post something after my trip!
Comments 4
HP was the first fandom that I'd followed from start to finish. Since then, I've distanced myself a bit because it was so very hard when canon ended and I knew that there wouldn't be anymore. I feel your pain.
Have fun travelling and getting books signed. I'd like to hear about your adventures.
With SP, I've been involved in this fandom on a regular basis for the last four full novels + extras, since 2010/2011, so while my involvement was really never the same level as with SSHG - it's a very different fandom, much younger to start with - it's also ... well. Hard.
And canon being over is really hard this time because I've honestly never been so emotionally involved with one particular fictional character before, in any medium. LOL. At least I know I'm not the only fan leaving this series desperately in love with a skeleton. :D
I'll definitely be making an effort to be around more on LJ again, so I hope to post something after my trip!
*scritches Patsu very gently*
Pätsu appreciates the gentle scritches. :D
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