Just spent about an hour crawling around on all fours under mum's desk, untangling the awful mess of cables and reconnecting everything (and finding about five loose ones belonging to things we don't have any more) and removing a huge pile of dust while at it... I did try and not breathe too much, so I'm hoping it won't trigger a sneeze and cough
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Comments 9
Really quite tired now though. But at least today I know there's reason for that!
...I can't help but wonder what certain furry monsters thought of you crawling around.
Knees, yes... considering how much I had to crouch and squat earlier today for taking flower pictures, they're definitely not very happy. And I managed to pull a muscle in my neck/shoulder, which was pretty ouch. *does not like getting old*
No new computer, just a new monitor (which made the computer usable again). It's definitely pretty - if I didn't have a three month old shiny new 22'' monitor myself, I'd be envious. ;-)
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