Get off my lawn.

Jul 07, 2009 15:35

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Comments 8

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kremlindusk July 7 2009, 23:07:35 UTC
That's why you're on my friends list. :)


bethymania March 27 2010, 03:08:32 UTC
I'm not a troll. I used to be astrokaiju.


kremlindusk March 27 2010, 03:16:30 UTC
Hey there, long time no see! I added you. Unfortunately I don't seem to post often anymore, but I never leave forever. :)


bethymania March 27 2010, 03:25:08 UTC
Yeah, its hard to get excited about Livejournal anymore, it's like a ghost town these days. :/ But I'm really glad you're still around, I missed you.


xtoolchickx August 19 2011, 18:26:40 UTC
Hey, I came across your journal from searching for other people that enjoy David Lynch... plus you sound pretty awesome. Mind if I add you?


kremlindusk August 19 2011, 18:30:10 UTC
Sure, but I'll just warn you that I'm insane and go through various celebrity obsessions and update very sporadically. :D


thecannibalgirl November 20 2011, 05:17:35 UTC
Hey its theCannibalGirl from deviantART


kremlindusk November 21 2011, 15:19:05 UTC
Hello! Welcome to the crazy train! :D I'll add you.


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