All the colors of the world pass through our bodies like strings of fire. (Eduardo/Mark)

Apr 11, 2011 03:01

Title: All the colors of the world pass through our bodies like strings of fire
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Eduardo/Mark
Word count: ~4,000
Summary:  tsn_kinkmeme: Eduardo/Mark, sunbathing leading to sex.
Disclaimer: Fiction, not getting paid, don't know or own the people. Title from "Colors Passing Through Us" by Marge Piercy.

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pairing: eduardo/mark, fandom: the social network

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Comments 15

porinrin April 11 2011, 11:04:26 UTC

You know I need some privacy now... you know it? *crosses legs*

and I hope you know it needs a part two...?


krellinad April 11 2011, 12:54:29 UTC
I know how the privacy feeling works, don't worry haha.
but i wouldn't know what to write for a part 2! XD
thanks for reading!


savetomorrow April 11 2011, 11:07:54 UTC
“W-What?” Mark stammered, afraid he might’ve rubbed the sand off the wrong way.

If there were to be a right and wrong way to get sand off of a body, then Eduardo would know it.

Haha, this was awesome *snicker snicker* ♥

And I love how Mark just had to take his computer with him. Obviously.
Also, yay for sexy times in the sun ;) I think I'll have a grin on my face for the rest of the day. *grins*

Oh, and the title of the fic is really beautiful! I just had to say that.


krellinad April 11 2011, 12:56:29 UTC
I'm happy that the story can make a day-long smile for you :D
i love the title, too. it somehow seems appropriate in an off way.
thanks for commenting!


savetomorrow April 15 2011, 15:01:24 UTC
You're very welcome! ♥


des_pudels_kern April 11 2011, 11:35:56 UTC
OP here! I love the sun and the sand and the heat here, I can almost feel it, and the way Eduardo both pushes against the boundaries of what Mark is comfortable with and takes care to make sure he isn't pushing too far and is making Mark feel good, and Mark at the same time compromising and letting Eduardo, because he loves him and trusts him. And underneath the sex and hotness it's so comfortable and warm and happy. Thank you so much for filling this, and doing such a wonderful job!


krellinad April 11 2011, 12:58:57 UTC
I'm happy you liked it!! I always get a bit nervous filling the prompts because i'm afraid i won't write what the requester was looking for, so I'm happy that you did :)


des_pudels_kern April 11 2011, 13:19:39 UTC
The thing with prompts is, the prompter already has this image in her (or his) mind, of what, and how, and atmosphere, more than can be conveyed in a couple of sentences of prompt, so fills can never be exactly what a prompter envisioned. But that's exactly the point of prompting, to have someone else take that idea, run with it, and make it theirs. I know I'd have done this differently - I once wrote sunbathing fic in another fandom actually, and have been mourning the lack of it everywhere else ever since. But that's why I wanted someone else's take on this. If it had been exactly what I was looking for, it would have been boring. What makes it interesting and new is that it's unexpected and more than the sum of the prompt.

Did that make sense?


krellinad April 12 2011, 01:35:39 UTC
It does, yes. It makes me feel a bit better once you put it that way, taking someone's few sentences and making something of it.


skyearth85 April 11 2011, 13:34:34 UTC
hot and sweet: liked it a lot :)


krellinad April 12 2011, 01:36:09 UTC
thank you! i'm glad you did.


leopardchic79 April 13 2011, 01:34:51 UTC
Mmm this was hot! And sweet. And did I mention hot? loved it! :D


krellinad April 13 2011, 23:03:46 UTC
thank you! i'm always unsure if i do well in regards to the hot~ factor, so i'm happy you thought it was :D


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