May 29, 2006 18:18

My head hurts! I saw this movie with girljim earlier today, and when we got back, I decided to read what all the hardcore fanboys had to say over at Ain't It Cool News. I've now read page after endless page of ponderous chest heaving which manages to say very little except "I'm very emotional, I have a keyboard, and there's something really important I want to tell you about X-Men, but I can't quite say what it is!" There's an awful lot of " X2 was perfect. I want X3 to be perfect! But it isn't perfect, and that upsets my feeling of justice in the universe." The most literate response is easily that of Harry Knowles, who writes If you don’t ask for much from your X-MEN movies and you don’t know the characters… this will serve you well. If you give a shit - that’s what you’re gonna get… by the double handful.
I take his point. I have never read the Dark Phoenix saga from the X-Men comics. But I've read enough to know that if you are a big comic book person, this is one of the big milestone stories (or story arcs) that you point to in order to justify the comic book habit. Originally published in the 1970's, the Dark Phoenix story was a big deal that changed the Marvel Universe, the lives of characters, and apparently the lives of some of the readers, with reprecussions that are still felt in the comic book universe today. Just so are reprecussions from the Civil War felt today in the contemporary South. If these stories are important to you, there's a good chance you are going to have a problem with X-MEN: THE LAST STAND.

I am not one of this brethren. I didn't even like X2 (2003). X-MEN: THE LAST STAND plays much better. It's fast and slick, with cool special effects. Some of the practical effects establishing Jean Grey's newly enhanced telekinetic ability are especially effective. The plot is very busy, keeping up energy and interest by constantly throwing in new elements. As a result, there are several major plot strands, none of which are explored any great depth. In the long run, this will make X3 less worth remembering. In the short run, I am satisfied, because it did kick ass.

I read in several reviews that something interesting happens at the end of the credits. Although I usually stay for the credits, we left early for bathroom related reasons. Can someone fill me in on what happened?

x-men, marvel

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