The Preacher: Part 2

Sep 20, 2007 10:39

And the Preacher reeled back.

The sound of a little girl's laughter rang in his ears, but he ignored it. Another one of those things he didn't need to concentrate on. Another distraction. It proved more than that when he felt white hot pain at his side.

She giggled up at him with eyes entirely black and twisted the sewing scissors in his flesh. He shouted in pain just once before backhanding her away and dodging the swinging wrench once again.

One hand reached down to pull out the scissors, but as he reached for them, they disappeared. The pain did as well, to some degree anyway. There was still a dull ache, but it wasn't anything he couldn't ignore to deal with the--

"Fuck!" he swore as he felt/saw the scissors in his calf. The look cost him the time he needed to aptly dodge the wrench and it landed on his shoulder like a ballistic missile. He screamed and dropped to the ground, reaching for the scissors which in itself 'removed' them before he swung that same leg around to sweep the Preacher off of his feet.

He didn't let the man fall before throwing his weight up to knock the dark figure into the massive hole in the wall. He fell through it with an inhuman screech and dropped the wrench outside of the barrier.

Cooper wasted no time, picking up the wrench and moving to the supplies that were scattered in front of the wall. The bricks and the mortar. It didn't make any logical sense (couldn't, as far as he thought it through) but he started to brick up the hole.

The figure tried to slip through a couple of times, but the wrench proved fair enough in knocking him back as he slapped the gritty slop onto the existing bricks and tossed the bricks on after. It was a messy job, and he could feel the bits of mortar on his face and arms from the splatter, but he kept at it; the mancreaturepreacher never attempted to knock through the brick. It only kept trying to come through the wall, and Cooper met it with the wrench every time.

The final brick slid into place, accented by a shuddering moan from the thing on the other side. Cooper, for his part, flopped to the ground before--


And he shuddered at the sight of those sewing scissors right in the middle of his chest almost more than the pain.

the dark annwn

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