I am selfish, conceded, bitchy, uncaring, mouthy, moody, high maintainence, irritable, and ugly. Who will love me for me? Is there anyone out there that can actually see through it to my soul?
Lately I suppose life is going better. I really have nothing to post about so if anyone has any questions, or concerns, or just gives a fuck what I have been up to, leave a comment, i will get back to you.
I am loving my vacation, but i am so sad to see it come to an end...I dont even want to think about it, the thought just depresses me to come home to no car, a shitty job, and a pathetic school. Well anyways, i am enjoying my time with my sister, and really reflecting about life. Well i will update more another day, so you guys take care!
All I can say, is Thanks to you who helped me through yesterday's ordeal. I dont think it has really hit me, but everyone just pray that its not totalled, because the insurance company thinks its pretty done.