Round 3: Artist Checkpoint (MANDATORY)

Jun 25, 2012 21:46

Sorry that this is late, I lost internet at home so weekends are bad for me :D

This is MANDATORY. All artists need to check in here so I can have an idea of how they are doing. At this time you DO NOT need to send anything in, just leave a comment.

Please fill out the following by July 3rd (that gives you a week). If you haven't filled it in by then I will email you, if I do not get a response from you by the time art drafts are due you will be defaulted on your assignment and it will be given to a pinch hitter.

Artist Username:
Story Title/Author Username:
Has your author been in contact with you?
Type of Art:
Percent Finished:
What do you like about the art?
What are you struggling with?
How much more time do you think you need to complete the art?

Authors and artists, make sure you are a member of this community and are watching it.

!mod post, !round 3

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