The End Is Nigh...(Seriously.)

Feb 14, 2011 14:01

Hi-ho, wild things!

Your slightly worse for wear mod is here with a request. Or an offer. You can take however you like it, really. Are you ready? Huh, huh, are you? You sure? Totally? All right, here it comes...

POST YOUR WORK, really. We've had wonderful pieces pop up in the master prompts post, the daily prompt posts, the TcT challenge. What's even more amazing is that most of these pretty wonders are finished stories. (I'm not faking my awe, pups; do you realize how rare it is to have a comm with this few WIPs?) It's glorious.

But, alas!

For some mysterious, mischievous reason, only a small percentage of these treats is getting posted officially to the community. This is puzzling. And troubling. And so, so disappointing. Tomorrow is our festival; it would be beyond wonderful to have the community blooming with posts.

So I am here to officially entreat you, our marvelous members, to post your work. Please? With a cherry and rabbit on top?

mod post: update

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