Pairing(s): Adam/Kris
Rating: NC17 (eventually)
Genre: Romance, AU, Smut, Teenage Angst, homophobic know what? basically everything that comes from being gay in a catholic high school
Warnings: Slash, Language, Smut, Does dirty talk need a warning? Non-con (past), sexual/child abuse
Summary: Adam and Kris deal with their senior year of high school and all the repercussions that come from coming out in a Catholic High School
Beta: Ashley (whitepantsjonas)
A.N: Hi… guys so I actually finished this yesterday but my computer was acting up and I got into watching Battle of the Blades finale last night
EDMONTON PRIDE... JAMIE SALE AND CRAIG SIMPSON...sorry there...umm so ya the next chapter might not be up for a while...probably the weekend because opening night for my play is TOMMORROW!!!!
p.s. visuals are at the end of the chapter
Chapter 4
Adam’s jaw dropped to what felt like the grungy bathroom floor. “You...uh…huh?” Then he registered the cheeky grin on Kris’ face, “Oh you’re asking for it Allen.”
“I know.” Kris said. “Come on lunch is going to start soon, let’s go grab a table. Together.” Kris picked up both his and Adam’s bag, and reached for Adam’s hand and pulled him through the door and out into the hallway.
Adam came to an abrupt halt a few feet down the hallway about twenty feet from the café entrance.
“Adam what’s wrong?” Kris asked worried that Adam had already changed his mind.
“Nothing, I just wanted to say that you’re wrong about one thing, sugar.”
“And that would be, what exactly?” Kris said feeling eerily nervous at the answer Adam may give.
“You’re not the luckiest guy on Earth. I am, for the mere reason that I have you.”
Kris smiled and pulled Adam down the ramp into the café as soon as the lunch bell rang and went about spotting out a table for them to sit at when he saw that it was pretty much already decided where they would sit today.
Allison, Brad, Matt, Deonina, Anoop, Megan, Cassidy and Sam Delfs sitting at a table together with two empty seats. It seemed Deonina was the first one to notice Kris and Adam and she waved them over, pushed Brad off of the chair he was sitting in. Brad just got up and moved around to the empty chair beside Megan, while bitching out Deonina.
“Jesus Christ woman, all you would have had to do was ask and I gladly would have moved for you.” Brad growled at Deo.
“If you would have been paying attention you wouldn’t have needed to be told or even asked. Who added the extra bitchiness powder to your cookie this morning Cheeks?” Deonina retorted while Megan was comforting Brad and Matt gave her a high-five.
“Oh honey, no one added any extra bitchiness to his cookie.” Adam said while standing beside her and Kris standing on the other side. “He’s just pissed that he didn’t get to moon the entire senior class today. Right Cheeks?”
“Oh stuff it Adam.” Brad groaned from his place of groaning into Cassidy’s shoulder.
Everyone laughed.
Deonina noticed something and communicated it though her eyes to her boyfriend Sam.
“Adam, do you uh…have something you want to tell us? Maybe something pertaining to why you have Kris Allen attached to your hip?” Deo smirked and motioned for both of the boys to sit down.
Kris just blushed while Adam answered, “Honey, you’re scaring my sugar. We’re together, and if anyone of you disagrees or does not agree with this, then fuck you.” Adam took a bite of his salad he had grabbed from his bag. Somehow Kris blushed the most since earlier in the morning. He couldn’t believe that Adam would talk to his closest friends like that about HIM of all people.
Anoop piped up, “Nothing’s wrong, we were just all wondering which one of us wins the pool.”
“Huh?” Kris and Adam said looking at each other and then at their friends.
Matt reached into his bag. “Which one of us won the pool of when you guys got together.”
Cassidy grabbed it from Matt’s grasp.
“And with November 9: 3 years, 2 months, 7 days, and 1 ½ periods, it looks like Allison won. Okay, we all owe her lunch for a week now.”
The entire table groans while Allison smiles brightly. After this everyone seems to go back to their separate conversations, including Kris and Adam, where Kris asks Adam something that is bothering him, while not knowing that Deonina was listening.
“Are you sure, Kris? Do you really want this? Do you really want the hassle of us being together? The crap we would…no the shit we will get for being together.” Adam uncertainty was finally starting to sink in
“Am I okay with the crap that we will get? Maybe not, but you? Absolutely. If you will go out with me, that is. You’re not like seeing someone are you? I mean I guess I should have asked that first before I started this thing off with a kiss, huh? What was I thinking? Do-”
Adam cut off Kris’ ramblings with a short but sweet kiss. Deonina decided to butt into the once private conversation. She placed her hand on Kris’ arm.
“Hey relax. Is Kris Allen nervous?”
Deonina turned her chair and Kris’ and looked him in the eye and spoke. “Because you know if you are that’s okay…but honestly it didn’t look that way during block 2.”
“What do you mean?” Kris tried to fiend innocence.
“You forget Kris that I also have a spare block 2 and I saw what you and Adam did, heard it even. I was sitting next to you boys.” Both Kris and Adam began to interrupt Deonina and she held her hand up to prevent that.
“It’s okay; it doesn’t matter to me if you are together. I think it is sweet actually. You of all people should know Adam, my feelings about gay people.” Deonina gave Adam a pointed look.
Adam smiled brightly at one of the two girls he considered his little sister; the other one was Allison. He then turned his smile on the other people at the table. “So how was everybody’s morning?”
The rest of the group got talking amongst themselves while Kris and Adam held hands out in the open on top of the table.
(on the left)
Taylor S.:
Taylor L: