Title: Twitter Trends
mamadebPairing: Hints of Kradam
Summary: Hate Haters
Length: ~1K words
Warning: results of violence (may be triggering)
Disclaimer: they're their own
Notes: This is in an unusual format, but I think it works for the story.
michaelsarver1 Were chilling at a bar just outside town. Adam is singing along with country music. 2 hours ago.
michaelsarver1 Just us boys minus Scott and Todd. Noone here knows Idol!!!! 2 hours ago
MGiraudOfficial Can't stop laughing - Adam and Danny talking nail polish and singing with Garth Brook. 2 hours ago.
MGiraudOfficial we're in a bar. Someplace. Garth is on sound system. Adam's got TWANG. 2 hours ago.
MGiraudOfficial Just some of the boys. Waitress and couple guys asked for autographs. Otherwise, cool. About an hour ago.
MGiraudOfficial Usually Kris and Adam in there own world. Nice to hang out. Talking piano w/Kris. About an hour ago.
michaelsarver1 We'll leave when adam finishes powedering his nose. His words. 30 minutes ago.
dannygokey Adam just screamed for help! Michael's gone running!!!!! 30 minutes ago
dannygokey I don't know! We called our security and the cops and the handlers…pray, people! Going to see. 28 minutes ago.
dannygokey Haters tried to bash Adam! He's going to be ok, tho. Michael got one! Police here now. 10 minutes ago.
michaelsarver1 3 against one odds and he was fighting them! Hate haters, love Adam. #hatehaters 10 minutes ago.
michaelsarver1 going with Adam and Kris to hospital. Adam asked. Kris wont leave him alone. #hatehaters 5 minutes ago
AP Report….Lambert was there with other castmates. The three alleged bashers have refused to say anything, but their friends claim they never watched AI and had no idea who the flamboyant gay man was. Reports say one of them pulled a knife before Michael Sarver (28 from Jasper, Tx), one of the Idols, and two local men - James Pikerman, the bouncer and Eddie McCoy, another customer, grabbed them. Sarver accompanied both Lambert and the Idol winner, Kris Allen (24, Conway AR) to the hospital. Lambert reportedly has nothing worse than cuts and bruises and was back at the hotel later that night. There will be a press conference tomorrow at the hotel.
RyanSeacrest Flying out to cover the Adam Lambert presser. Still in shock over the bashing. #hatehaters 2 hours ago
AnoopDoggDesai I can't believe what happened! Haven't seen Adam this morning. Kris, either. #hatehaters 2 hours ago
IdolScott All going to Adam press conference for support. Horrible thing. #hatehaters About 1 hour ago
dannygokey #hatehaters trending @#1! Keep it up! #hatehaters #hatehaters #hatehaters 20 minutes ago
Allison4Realzzz OMG! Adam's FACE! That's my big bro, haterz! #hatehaters #hatehaters #hatehaters 5 minutes ago
"'…Yes, I am pressing charges. It needs to be made perfectly clear - everyone has a right to walk into a bar without fearing for their lives. I've never hidden who I was, and I've never been afraid to go anywhere - well, except for you guys in the press. laugh And, yes, I am going to be on stage tonight."
"Adam! You're not wearing make up now - will you tonight?"
"I don't think that's terribly relevant right now, but, no. Not until these cuts heal. You get to see the real me tonight."
"Adam! You don't think you provoked anything?"
"Those men chose to wait for me to leave the men's room. They didn't know who I was, and I never said a word to them. Haters don't need excuses."
"Adam! Your friends say you were holding your own there. Is that true?"
shrug "I tried. I learned some fight moves, and my boots are weapons by themselves. But I can't thank my hero, Michael Sarver, enough!"
Beckons to Sarver, who walks up to him. Shakes his hand, and then gives him a kiss on the cheek. Sarver smiled and kisses him back. Crowd laughs and cheers.
SheriG Big cheers for our hero Michael! #sarverisahero #hatehaters 1 hour ago
ANGIEangel Everyone angry about Adam. #sarverisahero #hatehaters 1 hour ago
AdamFanGirl Lil is on fire! #hatehaters #sarverisahere about 1 hour ago
SheriG Big hugs for Michael after group!!!! #sarverisahero #hatehaters about 1 hour ago
AdamFanGirl Everyone waiting for Adam to come out. Danny talking about it. #hatehaters #sarverisahero 30 minutes ago
AdamFanGirl BIIIIG black eye, bruises, cuts! No eye makeup. STILL BEAUTIFUL! ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL! #hatehaters #hatehaters #hatehaters 25 minutes ago
AdamFanGirl Also, ROCKING WLL! Sexy, sexy beast! Stadium on feet and SCREAMING! 23 minutes ago
ANGIEangel Mad World! OMG, hes cryin. Everryone is crying Tears on his face , everywhere! Hes not wearing gloves. 18 minutes ago
SheriG Slow Ride w/Allison. Omg, she's hugging him NOW. She looks so fierce, like she wants to kill someone. #hatehaters 15 minutes ago
SheriG Bowie medly. He took off his jacket - LONG sleeves! #hatehaters #hatehaters 10 minutes ago
Adam Lambert: Bruised but Not Broken…The big moment of the show, as usual, was Adam Lambert, appearing after his big intro with flashing lights, a countdown and static. There was a collective gasp when his naked face appeared on the big screens. He had a huge black eye, and the rest of his face was covered in cuts and bruises, and not a drop of makeup. He'd even combed his hair back so it was very clear. And once he got into his performance, it was pure Lambert - soaring vocals and sexy moves. The next big moment was when he sang "Mad World" with tears running down his face - and every other face in the stadium. Never had that song sounded more pure or heartfelt. He wiped them away with the backs of his hands before his Bowie Medley. But when he took off his jacket, there was another collective gasp - instead of a tank under his vest, he wore long sleeves. We all knew what they were hiding.
Kris Allen's set…Grabbed Adam by the waist during the final na nas.
More emotion at the end of the finale - Kris never let go of Adam's arm and everyone hugged and kissed him. Adam also made a point of raising Michael's arm and shouting, "My hero!"