Title: Resolution
Genre: Angst/Drama (hurt comfort)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: (part 8) Kris and Adam talk for a bit, they find out the extent of Adam's injuries, and that they're leaving soon - on a new bus with a new driver. Katy leaves to go back to Conway, and Kris has a bad night after she leaves. Adam comforts him, of course. :)
The raw, terrified yelp brought Adam awake all at once, gasping, startled. Trembling, he was immediately alert, out of a sound sleep. )
Comments 8
I am sorry you are in a bad mood :(
Thanks so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it.
good job!
I'm glad that Sarver can't bother Adam any more, at least while he's still in the hospital, because Sarver makes me want to turn him into a human punching bag, and also cry.
Did I mention I love your writing style? Because I DO! It's so *awe-thome! *
I really ought to go write, because I have to figure out how I ought to merge these two stories I'm writing. One is an MPREG! The other, I don't see it going anywhere, so . . . It needs merging. (I love mpreg. Do you? ) I know you're probably like, "Why are you telling me this? " The reason is that, I want to know if you think I should write an mpreg. If not, I already started it, and if a lot of people say I shouldn't, Adam'll have a miscarriage! *CRIES* And I'll CRY if that happens.
Anyways, I LOVE this story. I keep re-reading it OVER AND OVER again. *Sigh*
I can't wait for the next *UPDATE*!
and you're right, I love their friendship so much...it's like magical
please update soooooooooooooon
To respond to some specific stuff:
-I plan on updating either later tonight or tomorrow, probably tomorrow, since part 10 is being a bitch and I really need to sit down and write...
-I'm not into MPREG at all, personally, but that's your choice as a writer. ;)
-You've not seen the end of Sarver...
-I'm glad you are all enjoying it.
See you at the next part!!!
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