Wow, that was powerful sweetie. I don't think I could be that brave. I have great respect and admiration for those who stand up for what they know is right, especially when faced with such obstacles.
You know, the ACLU and good anti discrimination lawyers make a world of difference. Look at what happened to that school district in Mississippi who had homophobic prom rules. Sued for $30,000. And that Arkansas school board member who wrote hateful messages on facebook. Nationally scorned and lost his job. these bum fuck people down here in the bible belt might pull shit like this(and believe me, they do all the time IRL), but they'll pay for it.
Glad you liked it! I'm keeping the 'verse, I think.
gonna do another sometime soon, as my beta and I are still looking at the legality of gay marriage in Bali, and culture issues for the vacation the boys are currently on for the WIP. So it might be a little bit before the next few installments of that go up.
Thanks for reading! In the next one I think we'll see more of Leila and #teamdad.
Wow, bb! That was insane! Really strong writing, and such a great statement against discrimination and hatred. I only wish the real world were more like this everywhere, not just in our Kradam stories. This fic should be published and made mandatory reading at every high school around the country! ;D
thanks for reading! and as for this happening in the real world, it isn't QUITE as easy, but usually threats of the ACLU and lawsuits from discrimination lawyers makes the idiots take notice. When they don't comply, they get all kinds of bad press, get sued, and have even, in some cases, lost federal funding.... so it isn't that big of a leap. the biggest leap is the overly supportive principal. And even then, who's to say many principal's wouldn't be just as angry at one of his employees talking to a student like that?
And I wish it would be published LOL, but I'm not that good yet. *hugs back* thanks bb!
Comments 9
Thank you for sharing
Deb <333
Glad you liked it! I'm keeping the 'verse, I think.
Have a good day
Deb <333
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Thanks for reading! In the next one I think we'll see more of Leila and #teamdad.
Hugs & love!!!! Looking forward to the next chp.
And I wish it would be published LOL, but I'm not that good yet. *hugs back* thanks bb!
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