Title: Needles and Feathers
Fandoms House, M.D./Harry Potter
Pairing: Gregory House/Lisa Cuddy/Remus Lupin; mentions of past Remus/Sirius
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I own nothing that has anything to do with House, M.D. or Harry Potter, or anything affiliated with them.
Feedback: Always appreciated.
Summary: House gets talked into
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Comments 34
you get the sarcastic tone just right. much fun.
House/Lupin has quite engaged me of late . . . I think they'd understand each other in an interesting way. Remus does now about difficult men, after all. :)
"And then he dropped thirty stories? No one dies by drapery."
and the whole thing with 'he's speaking about Sirius' 'yeah, a damn fine radio' had me in giggles. I kinda skimmed the sex scene though, sorry, but I thought the characters from House with your Lupin was well done.
I'm glad you liked it! No worries about the sex scene . . . it was hard to write, and I felt it was definitely tacked on a little. Porn for porn's sake, you know. :) And the threesome was hard, but next time I think we'll have House/Lupin relate just with each other. :)
And, yes, Cuddy's a witch! :) I needed someone in the House universe to know magic (helps with the ol' exposition), and she seemed like a great match. We learned she was so driven in "Humpty Dumpty," and it reminded me of Hermione a little. :)
And you get extra points for being weird and writing this before I had that dream. And also for the drapery line. The snark was just spot on.
Hey I can use my old Remus icon again, whee!
I'm also glad this was a lot more enjoyable than you expected. :)
I still don't think House bought the drapery line, but it's true! Just leaves the door open for Remus to explain it to him in the future . . . :)
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