005 [Open/Video] The weather outside is FRIGHTFUL~

Aug 28, 2011 16:52

[There is the distinct chattering of teeth that is heard over the journal, which is shaking too badly to focus upon any feature distinctly. In that bouncing you might see a pirate, and the sailboat he was so proud of. He'd been getting good sleep in it, first good sleep since he's been at the Keep. He had drank too much before, and passed out. He woke to his body uncontrollably shaking itself to pieces.

He'd been sleeping in that ship when the weather had shifted unexpectedly.

He is not a happy pirate.

He couldn't get the boat back to shore. While he had the paddle in there, should the wind fail, the ice was too weak to support any weight near the edges, so he just kept breaking chunks off. He was getting no where fast. As resourceful as he is, he was first and formost a Caribbean pirate. ]

I-I am not-t d-dr-dressed for this-s. I-I've los-st all the f-f-f-Feeling in my ffingers and t-toes.

[He has to stop for the moment, a shiver wracks him so hard he can not speak.]

M-may I-I requessst s-some as-s-Sistance ggettting b-b-back to s-shore?

[That's all the words he has in him for the moment. He puts the book down and he's pacing in place upon the little rowboat, violently rubbing his arms in an attempt to get the blood going through them and warm him up. ]

((ooc: responding to journal is good! There is a planned action event though with Talia, that'll be taken to keep_logs. Perhaps you arrive just in time to see it go down? 8D))
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