Jan 09, 2012 21:23
Five requests:
1. BIGBANG, GRi, "The two take the 'Tom and Jerry' thing way too far.", any rating
2. BIGBANG, 2Seunghyun, "Your idea of a romantic Valentine's is getting wasted with you? ... Not a bad idea.", any rating
3. BIGBANG, BaeRi, "Youngbae's first Valentine's where he's not single.", the higher the better :) [Filled]
4. BIGBANG, GRi, "It's a cold February night, and Jiyong knows exactly how to keep warm with his maknae.", NC-17+ [Filled]
5. BIGBANG/2NE1, RiRin, "Roses are red, violets are blue, I suck at rhyming, and these poems are lame, anyway.", any rating [Filled]
Please avoid the following: extreme squicks. I'll read pretty much everything.
Please remember to include the inbox number in your claim!
inbox: 2012