An anonymous meme for smut/kink prompts and responses.
If you are under the age of consent in your home country, or are easily offended by adult material, what are you doing here?
Remember: Post requests as new comments to this entry. Responses should be posted as replies to their parent request. Please keep all discussion of a particular request to that request's thread.Please post one request per comment.Please label your subjects with the group(s) and the GIVEN NAMES of the people in the pairing you are requesting. For instance, "REQUEST: DBSK, Yoochun/Changmin" Then go into details within the comment text box. Feel free to be as specific as you wish - the more detail you give, the more info authors have to work with in order to best fulfill it.When filling a request, please include the group(s) and the GIVEN NAMES of the people in the story. For example, "FILLED: DBSK, Yoochun/Changmin".Put a warning in the subject line for any potentially triggering responses. Example: "FILLED: pairing, group, WARNING: trigger"Rule-breaking comments are subject to deletion.Before you get started, read this post for the full list of rules, and ask a mod if you have any questions. Request Format:
Who I want: (pairing/group)
What I want: (request)
What I don't want: (anything specific that should be avoided)
Header: REQUEST: Band C/Band D, Member A/Member B
Who I want: Member A(Band C)/Member B(Band D)
What I want: crossdressing, light bondage
What I don't want: I don't want Member B crossdressing. Nothing too strong for bondage.
Anon commenting on, IP logging turned off.
This meme is closed to NEW requests!
We will not lock comments, but no new request posts will be accepted. You are encouraged to continue to write for and comment on the current batch of requests. Read the latest
mod post for details.