Round 12: What's on your mind

Jul 11, 2011 09:38

Title: What's on your mind
Team: Canon
Rating: PG
Fandom: TVXQ + Super Junior
Pairing: Changmin/Kyuhyun
Summary: Changmin hasn’t been acting normal… or has he?
Prompt Used: 4 Minute - Huh supplementary prompt

He was slightly older, and he had always won every single argument with Changmin. He supposed he simply had more wit, more wisdom and less perseverance to not act cute to get what he wanted. Changmin would just gave up right away.

But then....


They were friends. Really close friends, in fact. After all, they laughed at the same things, they had matching alcohol tolerance and they played the same games. Kyuhyun watched Changmin’s performances and vice versa- Changmin even flied to Japan to watch the K.R.Y. concert.

Maybe he was too used to Zhou Mi’s endless spam of text messages as the Chinese boy provided sometimes-unnecessary details of where he was or what had he been doing that day. But the least you would do was telling your friend when you were away, out of the country, right? It shouldn’t have mattered that you were an entertainer with a lot of schedules outside Korea anyway.

“You went to Japan yesterday? Why didn’t you tell me?” Kyuhyun asked, but he instantly regretted the remark.

As expected, Changmin stared at him indifferently, “Who are you, my mother?”

He began to see things in a little differently.

There were certainly a lot of people around Changmin despite the boy’s anti-social tendency. And said anti-social tendency wasn’t exactly as bad as he thought. Changmin did laugh and hang out with other people. There was one time when he asked Changmin out for a drink and rejected with a simple ‘Cannot. Am with friends.’

It was a usual response, really. But he had just realized that he had taken the initiatives too much for them to hang out.

Kyuhyun didn’t know why these stupid, insecure thoughts began to flow into his mind, particularly a growing doubt whether if Changmin’s refusal to be in Kyu-line was just an effort to annoy him. Maybe… just maybe, Changmin really didn’t want to.


“You got a cat?” Kyuhyun pointed half-accusingly. “I swear you used to love dogs. At least until the last time I saw you, which was only a month ago.”

“Well. I don't mind cats,” Changmin shrugged as he rubbed the ears of the purring cat. “And I didn't get this cat. He just walked into my apartment one day and I gave him food. It's a mutual relationship. I give him food and he gives me the privilege to pet him.”

“But why didn't you get a dog?” Kyuhyun said again. “You love dogs!”

“No dog walked into my apartment.” As if that was a completely normal logic. “And like I said, I didn't get him. I don't even have a name for him.”

The cat yawned and stared at Kyuhyun lazily. This was one of the few things that made Kyuhyun thought that maybe he didn't know his friend so well.

“Anyway,” Changmin placed the cat unto Kyuhyun's surprised arms, “just make sure he doesn't starve. Maybe he would let you pet him.” As if on cue, the cat jumped off and ran inside Kyuhyun's dorm room.

“What?? What are you talking about?”

“I'm off to Japan for a few days, so...”

“No! Changmin, you can't leave this cat with me- Changmin!!!”

Later, Sungmin raised his eyebrows at the new resident of their shared dorm room. Kyuhyun only mentioned Changmin's name and the older boy sighed before he said, “You're lucky I know how to take care of cats.”


“Do you have a close friend from a band other than yours?”

Kyuhyun blinked at the DJ’s question. His mind instantly went to Changmin, but then he imagined Changmin rolling his eyes when he heard it, and that alone caused a pang inside him. Kyuhyun would look pretty stupid, wouldn’t he?

A moment later though, he remembered that Changmin was not even in Korea, but in Japan, again. His mouth ran before he could stop it. “I don’t know if he thinks the same,” Kyuhyun slowly muttered, his voice a bit shaky, “but it’s Changmin from TVXQ.”

The rest of SM The Ballad might or might not gave him a strange look, but he was busy regretting his own words. Now he didn’t only look stupid, but also frustrated and insecure.


Kyuhyun didn't expect an angry-looking Changmin to burst into his dorm one evening. He didn't even know that Changmin was back in Korea. Anyway, he was lucky that Kyuhyun was alone in the dorm, not even the cat was around (the cat came and went, just like his owner)... as it quickly turned into a shouting parade.

“If you have something to say, say it straight to my face!” Changmin slammed the door behind him.

The slightly older boy stood there, flabbergasted. “What?”

“I'm your close friend and that's that. I get it, okay,” Changmin snapped again. “Don't go around and say it in some radio shows when you knew I wouldn't be hearing it. Guess what, I heard it. Now, say what you really want to say to me!”

The dejected feeling grew out of control and Kyuhyun burst before he could stop himself. “Maybe you're the one who have something to say to me!”

“Excuse me!?”

“Well, you certainly haven't been acting like my close friend!”

“What the- I've been acting perfectly normal, thank you.”

“No!” Kyuhyun shook his head. “You didn't... you didn't act like normal!”

Changmin frowned and stared at him in disbelief. “What the hell!? You asked me to act normal. I did. You asked me to forget about my feelings for you. I agreed. You pretended that I never confessed to you. I fucking went along with it! What else do you want!?”

“I don't know!” Kyuhyun bit his lip and turned around. He could... he could try to explain in what ways did Changmin act strangely. The bottom line should be the younger boy had turned into someone that Kyuhyun didn't quite know. That was true, at least that was how Kyuhyun felt. But why couldn't he say it? “I don't... know...”

Silence seemed to stretch for the longest time. Kyuhyun tried to form the words again, to explain something, anything. He found out that he just couldn't.

“Kyuhyun...” Changmin finally placed his hands on Kyuhyun's shoulders and slowly turned him around. The taller boy no longer looked mad or frustrated, instead there was a thoughtful look on his face. “Is it just me or you're being too conscious about it?”

“What... what are you talking about?” Kyuhyun fidgeted. He wasn't sure if he was comfortable with the way was Changmin touching him- one hand slipped from his shoulder to tuck Kyuhyun's hair behind his ear.

“I have been acting perfectly normal.” Changmin said slowly, as if to make sure to plant his words into Kyuhyun's mind. “But you seemed to over-think everything.”

Kyuhyun didn't understand and couldn't try to. Not when Changmin's fingers caressed his cheek.

The younger boy seemed to take it as a good sign, as he got bolder and leaned in. Their faces were merely inches away. Kyuhyun swallowed as he cursed inwardly how tall Changmin was. Meanwhile, Changmin watched the movement of his lips and whispered. “You... do you actually... like me too? Just a bit?”

It washed over Kyuhyun like cold water. “I-I don't...”

Then suddenly the distance was gone.

“You didn't refuse me,” Changmin said when their lips parted.

Somehow, Kyuhyun couldn't find any words to say. He felt that he was blushing deep red, but he certainly wished it was only his imagination. Changmin looked at him with some kind of... adoration. Perhaps. Then he chuckled and Kyuhyun frowned because he never liked being laughed at, more less when he didn't know the reason, but Changmin kissed him again and he forgot that he was mad... and in denial.

“I lied to you about two things,” Changmin said when he finally decided that Kyuhyun's lips were abused enough.

The shorter boy was still a bit dazed, so he only muttered confusedly, “...Huh?”

“First, as you could see, I never did get over my feelings for you.” He kissed him for the umpteenth time to prove his point. “Second, I actually gave the cat a name. It's Kyu, because he reminds me of you.”

“...That has got to be the most embarrassing thing I've ever heard.”

“And also the most embarrassing confession I've ever made. Even more than when I said that I actually fell in love with you. I mean, you of all people. A totally unattractive, skinny nerd.”

Kyuhyun pouted, decided to worry later about how childish he must've looked. “Well, aren't you Mister Charming-.”

“Ok, I lied again,” Changmin laughed, his arms around Kyuhyun tightened a bit. “I think you're very, very attractive.” He pinched Kyuhyun's cloth-covered flesh slightly above his hip, “And you're not so skinny now.”

Kyuhyun groaned and shoved him away, but Changmin unexpectedly brought him up into his arms- and dropped him on the couch before Kyuhyun could even protest. “So, Kyuhyun...” He said as he hovered above the other boy. “I've said everything I wanted to say. Now it's your turn.”

'No way,' Kyuhyun thought, somehow still tried to be in denial at this point. Apparently, it showed on his face. Changmin rolled his eyes, “Okay, maybe I should get it out from you through a less decent way...”

The older boy widened his eyes when Changmin descended unto him with a glint in his eyes. 'Not so different from a frightened kitten,' Changmin thought, amused.



Kyuhyun stopped singing and turned to his best-friend-now-turned-boyfriend with eyebrows raised, “Say what?”

“I said your voice is like Carbonara,” Changmin said, still with closed eyes from his position on the bed.

To say that Changmin was easy to understand would be stretching far, far away from the truth. He would act randomly and say incoherent things without further explanation on the matter. A lot of times Kyuhyun’s curiosity got the best of him and he inquired. Other times he just chose to ignore the slightly younger boy. Like now.

He sang again, practicing the same song for the umpteenth time before Changmin intruded again. “I changed my mind. Caramel Macchiato it is.”

“Are you gonna explain or do I have to ignore you again?”

“Caramel Macchiato… calms the mind.” There was a hint of smile on Changmin’s face. “Carbonara just tastes greasy but it also happens to be my favorite food.”

“Am I supposed to be flattered?” Kyuhyun asked, but he found his face getting warm for no sound reason.

Changmin just snorted.

They were silent for some time, Kyuhyun waited for any kind of follow-up remarks- Changmin might or might not fell asleep.

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes and practiced the last line of the song, the climax where he hit the high note. That was when Changmin revealed that he was, in fact, yet to fall asleep. “But your voice is practically incomparable to anything.”

Kyuhyun just wished that Changmin never found out how easy it was to make him happy. The older boy was humiliated enough when Changmin managed to make him confess his true feelings.

Poll Round 12: What's on your mind

cycle: 2011, fandom: dbsk, 2011 round 12: huh, team canon, fandom: super junior

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