Jun 18, 2011 12:42
- Fri, 17:10: I must start spending money more frugally. especially if I want to have money leftover for fall...
- Fri, 17:13: I am off tomorrow. I feel like this calls for drinks tonight.
- Fri, 17:17: so hungry.....
Jun 13, 2011 12:03
- Sun, 22:58: so tired....
- Mon, 08:46: Watching SuJu 1st Premium Event in Japanese. This seems like a bad idea. I can't tell them apart and I can't remember their names DX
- Mon, 08:48: That introduction was too fucking long. -_-
- Mon, 08:48: There are too many of them.
- Mon, 08:49: whoa, that guy has Yanagi's slightly scary eyes.
Jun 09, 2011 12:02
- Thu, 07:14: @ yokoranger it's not that easy. i think our cultures are very different, and i don't think i'd be accepted by them on the off chance that we
- Thu, 07:15: @ yokoranger do end up going out. plus, the last time i talked to him about relationships, he told me he didn't have time for a gf!
Jun 08, 2011 12:17
- Wed, 09:26: @ yokoranger hm... but it's his unwillingness to be anything other than cool that irritates me too! new debut look?
- Wed, 09:29: @ yokoranger oh yeah... hikaru's hair is blonde for that too. i'm not too big on the cross-dressing thing, cause girls never look like guys.