Title: My Last Train
Fandom: Kanjani8, NewS
Pairing: Nishikido Ryo x Uchi Hiroki, Nishikido Ryo x Ohkura Tadayoshi
Rating: NC-17 for smex!
And NO I don't own anything except from the plot, not even the title is mine!
Summary: Ryo struggles with what his and Uchi's relationship has turned into. He needs a brake to think. He still loves Uchi but he ends
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Comments 12
Ah... I wonder what happen next? Will Ryo remember after seeing Hiroki? How they react? I really want to know... please update soon... I'm not rushing you... It's okay to update late (like me) but I'm really curious many of things.. hahhahaha.. Ganbatte and good luck...
I know. (even though I'm not one to talk) I feel really sorry for Subaru... :(
The doctor and the nurse.. hehehe..
And you know what, again? Koyashige is one of my fav pairing tooo.... Not lying!! Truth!!!
I collected Koyashige pikku tooo... Such a adorkable pairing... So funny when they together... ^_^
And you know what, again and again?? WE SHOULD EXCHANGE E-MAIL NOW... ^_^
It's fun to find another Koyashige fan! :D And I'm ALSO really glad that you like my writings.
How can I give you my e-mail without writing it here?
have been waiting for this chapter, and it's good, love it!!!!
wish you can update real soon, hehehe....
As a present I've given you what you wished for! A fast update!! ^w^ Enjoy!
While reading I can feel the sadness build up in me. Your story really captured my emotions.
Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the next one. ^_^
That's a very good comment! It makes me happy to hear that I've been able to make you feel like that! :) <3
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