Koyama 『news every』summary and screencaps February 2

Feb 06, 2011 16:11

A recap of『news every』from the past week - February 2.

Included are screencaps and a summary of Koyama's Kininaru segment and the other segments that he is involved in, both commenting and presenting.  With thanks to daelite.

news every - February 2

In a brief sports clip they talked about the soccer player Yuto Nagatomo-- who is actually a "kouhai" of Koyama's technically since they both went to Meiji University!

"Revival" Products
More and more companies are starting to bring back products they used to sell and have since cancelled (or stopped selling because it was a limited time offer, etc). In studio Koyama looks at some Mister Donut donuts that are such, and then they cut to a video that shows Mister Donut, Milky candies, LOTTE chocolate, Tory's high ball, Daido hot chocolate... that's right, all these companies are bringing back old products!

The reasoning behind this is:
1. It's appealing in a nostalgic way for people who remember it
2. It's appealing in a new way for people who don't remember it
3. It saves on company costs, since they don't have to design new products

Some of the hosts comment they fall into the 1 category, while Koyama brings up the 2 category XD;

Ki ni Naru
This fishing season has brought in an extraordinary among of yellowtail! Koyama goes to visit a small fishing town in Toyama Prefecture that's been changed by this fishing boom.

This town has yellowtail even on the manholes and wall murals!

So just how different is this season from last year's? Last winter's catch wasabout 20,000 but this year it's already 110,000! One of the reasons this may have happened is because rough seas elsewhere led the yellowtail to stay close to Toyama Bay.

Koyama visits a small fishing market and learns that some of the shops had sold over 100 yellowtail within two hours of opening and that they're selling them for a third of the price they did last year! And 8kg yellowtail costs about 20,000 yen.

How has this town changed thanks to all the yellowtail this year? The fishing organizations have been working hard to give back to the community. They donated 16 yellowtail to local elderly homes and 50 to the local school system to give all the students. 66 yellowtail x 20,000 yen a piece = 1,320,000 yen (about 16,000 USD). However they are happy to be able to share the joy and let the young and old of the area enjoy their local cuisine.

Koyama then got to try a 5,000 yen course meal which included all kinds of yellowtail cuisine. That yellowtail had been caught that very morning and he was amazed how sweet it tasted.

They then visit a fisherman's house as him and his wife prepare a yellowfish meal. It includes sashimi raw meat and then they even eat the bones in a dish with daikon!

news every, tv : news every, photos : captures, 2011, tv

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