spin off fic 1

Jun 29, 2010 12:40

Title: period clothes
Author: kowarth
Rating: U
Characters: Sarah Jane Smith, K9, Brendan Richards, Lavinia Smith, Juno Baker
Spoilers: only if you are unfamiliar with K9 & Company.
Disclaimer: This is a non-profit work of fan fiction. Doctor Who and all related characters belong to the BBC and their original authors.
Authors Notes: Part 14 in the increasingly erratic ‘Clothes’ series.
Word Count: 386

‘I don’t know where she gets it from.’ Professor Lavinia Smith sighed at the site that met her on the hall floor.
‘Oh my word is she alright?’ her best friend Juno Baker pushed past and knelt to lift the head of Smith Jane Smith into her lap. The younger woman was soot stained, her hair festooned with cobwebs.
‘Affirmative mistress Baker. Mistress has sustained minimal damage following the chronal displacement.’ K9 trundled from the lounge to reassure them.
Lavinia scowled at it. ‘What you know about it, jumped up toaster?’
‘This units original design capabilities required the largest medical database and diagnostics ability of its generation.’ She swore that it was almost proud of the fact but she wasn’t going to be talked into a corner by a home computer.
‘Juno would you be a dear and bring Sarah Jane into the sofa?’ Lavinia strode past the metal dog only to stop in the doorway to the drawing room.
‘Negative Professor Smith. Master Brendan is already positioned there.’
Lavinia fumed.
‘What the devil has been going on here? I was only gone into town for three hours and when I get back...’
‘Ooh my head.’ Groaned Sarah from her otherwise comfortable position. Her eyes opened and she smiled coyly in return to Mrs Baker’s wide eyed stare. ‘Oh, hello Juno.’
‘Hello Sarah Dear, your Aunt has a good point...’ Sarah stood, a little shakily. Juno got up and hovered behind her like a groom expecting his bride to faint.
‘What are you doing in that?’ Lavinia pointed at the smart 40s tweeds Sarah had squeezed herself into. Lavinia had worn it to her brother’s wedding and flattered herself that she looked as good in it back then. She held up her hand before Sarah Jane could reply ‘no, on second thoughts go and clean yourself up. You can explain over tea. Juno go with her, make sure she doesn’t have any other adventures between here and the bathroom.’ Without another word she stalked over to where Brendan lay. He too was soot stained but his uniform was immaculate.
‘I don’t know what’s worse, young man. ’ she brushed a smudge of soot from the sleeping boys nose. ‘Knowing that she drags you off on these wild adventures of hers... or envying the pair of you.’

fic, clothes series

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