diamonds and rust (3/?)

Jun 14, 2014 19:29

diamonds and rust (3/?)
~ 3,500 w, pg-13, (jessica/changmin/jaejoong, also changmin/yoona)
“Frankly speaking, Mister Kim, I’m crazy in love with Changmin and I think you know that, just as I know you’re trying to get me drunk.”■ omg handed in all my papers, did all my tests /crying ( Read more... )

Ξ : douc, ♥ : jessica/jaejoong, ♥ : jessica/changmin, *full length, ♥ : yoona/changmin, fandom: snsd, fandom: dbsk

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Comments 5

aoza June 14 2014, 10:13:20 UTC


aoza June 14 2014, 15:34:36 UTC

changmin, grow the fuck up. if you are so close to giving in and staring an affair then grow some balls, call off the wedding and do it. it is so fucking obvs you want to bone jessica. you were practically seething when sica mentioned jaejoong and they're not even anything yet to each other. honestly, what the fuck are you doing?! if it's one thing i hate, it's men not knowing exactly who they want. just no. grow the fuck up, shim. i just--/kicks


finally a chapter. finally.

i'm really curious where the hell jaejoong came from and why he's pushing o sica. his motives and history feel kinda shady and i like that. can't wait where this will go.


bollywoodrecord June 14 2014, 17:21:59 UTC

forgot this fic existed wow yuri nice timing


bollywoodrecord June 18 2014, 23:48:42 UTC
waiting for everyone to have sex with each other

you're flawless yuri wtf


violetrosie August 13 2014, 02:58:44 UTC
changmin and jessica ;alskdgja


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