off to the races (2/?)

Sep 15, 2013 13:22

off to the races (2/?)
~ 3,380 w, r, (krystal/kai) l part i.
“This feels familiar, don’t you think?” He whispers roughly, pushing her hard against the surface, receiving a small grunt of disapproval in return. “You, me, up against the wall.”■ I took a while to update this, didn't I ( Read more... )

!fanmix, fandom: exo-m, fic: off to the races, ♥ : krystal/kai, fandom: f(x), Ξ : douc, fandom: exo-k, *full length

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Comments 24

douc September 15 2013, 03:25:03 UTC
spot for onceuponataem


onceuponataem September 18 2013, 03:19:57 UTC
im abt to start reading, i might not return for a while

bc well too many feels

i can predict it

i. just. know.



douc October 31 2013, 00:56:22 UTC
can you predict, can you really?


douc September 15 2013, 03:27:30 UTC
spot for jumons


jumons September 15 2013, 06:20:57 UTC
you don't know how excited i got seeing the link on twitter lol. but seriously how do you even write the way you do!?!! the interactions were all so cute and funny! i especially loved the interaction between sehun and krystal during the interrogation, sehun's just so smug and it fits perfectly. and omg poor kai is always getting outsmarted by the notorious jung. and can we just talk about this line:

“Not trying to wreck all the sexual tension or anything but I’m smart too, I got an A on my last math qui -“

“Shut the fuck up."

L O L, poor baekhyun. xD
anyways, it's awesome reading this update, (you gave us more insight on the characters and now i must know how it was between krystal and kai before!!!) i cannot wait for the next chapter. ♥


douc October 31 2013, 00:57:52 UTC
idk how I write the way I do...I wish I could write better. How do you write the way you do??

Sehun has to be smug or it's just all wrong tbh and Krystal's smarter than all the boys ;)

I will update soon xx


douc September 15 2013, 03:28:22 UTC
spot for sayaneechan


(The comment has been removed)

douc October 31 2013, 00:56:09 UTC
yeah, no, kyungsoo isn't much of a calm character lol


myungwink September 15 2013, 03:33:05 UTC
spOT omfg
jFc so many distractions rn im just gping to read it at niGHt

oh well snAp
sflr but like WOW jfc I was not prepared for this omfg I thought there was going to be a whole lot more of action but I think the biggest turn of events is that soojung and jongin knows each other fmL I totally did not expect that omG now im curious about their past TTTT why did she leave )))-: it's kinda sad to know she didt know more with jongin bc I was expecting more of their past to be revealed and arGH why did she have to escape so fast HAHAH for a moment I got confused orz but now that soojung actually knows jongin I have no idea how this story is going to go and im so curious ;AAAAA; PLS update soon ♡♡♡♡ ((spot for me in the future too maybe? hehehe))


douc October 31 2013, 00:55:42 UTC
I will most definitely spot for you in the future and if you have twitter, I could tweet you to notify you that I've updated :)

and all that will be revealed in later chapters /mwahaha


myungwink February 9 2015, 10:53:38 UTC
omg i cant believe it has been so long since i last came on lj lmao
omg i would appreciate if you would notify me on twitter pls xoxo


bollywoodrecord September 15 2013, 03:58:19 UTC

already read this through but i'm gonna need a moment to collect my thoughts um


douc October 31 2013, 00:54:40 UTC
love ya xx


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