off to the races (2/?)

Sep 15, 2013 13:22

off to the races (2/?)
~ 3,380 w, r, (krystal/kai) l part i.
“This feels familiar, don’t you think?” He whispers roughly, pushing her hard against the surface, receiving a small grunt of disapproval in return. “You, me, up against the wall.”

■ I took a while to update this, didn't I?
■ 8track is being a bitch so I don't know when I'll be able to update the fanmix, but when I get the chance to, track 15-19 is the new ones.
■ I have no idea how long this will be but I find this really enjoyable to write :)


Hesitantly, Baekhyun raises his hand. “Hyung.”


“Hyung,” He tries again, a bit more loudly than before. “Stop.”


“No, seriously, hyung.”


“Kyungsoo hyung,” Sehun interrupts him mid speech, calmly swinging his leg off the table in his usual cool manner. “Your nose is bleeding.”

Naturally, Kyungsoo yells until he bursts a vein, this time literally.

Suho lets out a tired breathe he’s been holding in, mumbling to himself about a box of Kleenex as he pushes off the wall he’s been leaning on for the past half an hour, slamming the door on his way out and takes the bottle of pent up frustration with him.

Kyungsoo groans in agitation, covering his bloodied nose with his hand, muffling his own voice when he says, “I’m not done with you yet.” And with that, he bristles out of the room like an angry old man
with Chanyeol following behind him, failing to hold in his laughter.

Baekhyun transform into his five years old self - legs pulled up to his chest, shaking too much in excitement, leaning over his chair in anticipation for Kyungsoo to be far enough to miss out on hearing his squawking voice. The lucky bastard, Jongin thinks and reaches into his pocket for a light.

And, “3…2…1! Okay, okay, okay!” He claps in joy, spinning around in his chair to face Jongin with a goofy grin. “Is. She. Hot?”

Eight hours of sleep has become more of a god gift, rather than a necessity. Jongin couldn’t remember the last time he had this much sleep, especially one this good. It was a long, deep slumber he fell into at Baekhyun’s humble abode. He’d never found the guest bed to be of any comfort, until around seven this morning when he wakes to one of Baekhyun’s maids holding a blaring alarm clock against his ear.

“My ears are still ringing from that stunt whatever-her-face pulled this morning.”

Baekhyun stretches, his hands nearing touching the roof of the limo. “Sorry, bro, I forgot to tell her you’re a light sleeper. She’s used to me moaning ‘five minutes’, you know how I am.”

Yes, he knows exactly what a pain in the ass it is to succeed in making Baekhyun get up.

“Why do we even have to go to school today anyway?” Baekhyun yawns in the process of asking. “We never turn up and when we do, we don’t learn shit.”

Jongin turns to the window and says, “Miss too many class and they’ll find the time to come up with some punishment.”

The driver pulls over just near the curb of Seoul’s High school entrance and unlocks the doors for their convenience. Baekhyun blows raspberry, watching the fresh faces of their peers walking pass the school gate with carefree willingness as if they find classes and text books enjoyable. Jongin chooses to ignore the sick feeling in the pit of stomach and hurl the backpack onto his shoulder, feeling the weight of his unfinished History papers, trying to drag him back into Baekhyun’s limousine.

“Are you going to just fucking stand there?” Baekhyun asks in irritation as he emerged from the vehicle, hitting the roof of the BMW to relief his disappointment of having to obtain some education.

“What happened to your school spirits? Huh?” He mocks, pumping his fists in the air to show false enthusiasm - typical Baekhyun’s way of proving a point.

Jongin ignores this, instead he glances at his wrist watch and strides towards the gate, not lending an ear to Baekhyun’s bitching behind him. “I’m ditching the first two classes, you go to wherever you’re supposed to be at. Bye.”

Baekhyun’s middle finger is up high in the air somewhere, Jongin could feel it.

If Jongin was being honest with himself, he didn’t see it at first. In fact, it took him almost a whole hour of wandering through shelfs after shelfs of books in the library for him to even begin considering the chances of what was really happening. It’s the moment when the curiosity really starts to eat at him that Jongin makes an abrupt turns near the men’s bathroom and make use of the brick wall to conceal himself with it. It’s a trick of the pathways, mostly, of angled passageways and dead ends.

He stays still then starts to count and when he reaches, 132, his suspicion has proven itself true.

It’s the legs that give it away, he thinks, feeling a smirk tugging at his lips.

His follower looks around in an almost daze manner, wind blowing in her glossy locks as she whips her head left and right in search of him. Feeling a sudden playfulness within him, Jongin reaches out and wraps one hand around the curve of her waist, the other tightly on her mouth to silence the natural human reaction that could only result in a yelp.

Her brown orbs are wide and her ebony pupils even wider, that made him smile, a first of the week.

“This feels familiar, don’t you think?” He whispers roughly, pushing her hard against the surface, receiving a small grunt of disapproval in return. “You, me, up against the wall.”

In a panic state, Krystal Jung makes a rookie mistake of going for his reproductive part. “Ah,ah.” Jongin taunts as he catches her leg easily, resting his hand on the back of her calf and daringly wraps it around his waist, making sure his grip is tight enough to keep her where he wanted her.

“You know, princess, I’m not a very forgiving kind of man and what you did yesterday certainly didn’t put you on my good side.” Jongin growls, sensing the anger of last night’s ordeal flooding back into his mind. “I can kill you right now. Two hands around your pretty little neck and just a little pressure, to the side then the other then ‘snap’. Easy like that.” He leers, all the while indulging himself with the pleasure of watching her struggle to push him off. “But I won’t. Only because you can be of use but you knew that, didn’t you, Krystal?”

And with that he unclasped his hand from her mouth, letting her have a nice, big intake of oxygen.
Who knows she might not be getting much more of those in near future.

“What. The. Fuck?” greets Baekhyun, when he bursts through the door of an empty classroom Jongin had told him to come to in an emergency call. “Dude, I am not into kinky sex unless I’m in it…am I in it?”

Jongin rolls his eyes and hops off the desk. “No, you idiot, she’s Krystal Jung.”

“She’s hot and shit, bro, but name doesn’t ring a bell”. Baekhyun says, jerks his chin and squints at the smug looking female, even when she’s tied to a chair, arms and legs all roped up. “That’s no prostitute name so you have some explaining to do, young man.”

“God damn it, Ba -“

“Oh sir, please save me from this mean, mean man!” Krystal chimes in, pouting with eyes of a lost puppy. “He is so cruel, to tie me up like this and against my will too!”

Baekhyun gasps, acting scandalized by what he had just heard. Without a word, he rushes to the enemy’s side, crouching to her level as he gently brushes a strand of hair from her face and lightly pinches her on the chin with adoration.

“Aww, don’t you worry your cute little nose about anything, Baekhyun here will take care of this mean, mean man for you.”

“She’s the bitch from yesterday, the one who stole my bike and most our bikes.” Jongin says clippedly, his nerve on the line.

The sweet smile on Baekhyun’s face falls. The prick flinches away, falling on his ass and scurries away in fear, almost. “Well, shit, I see why you fucked up. She is one fuckable hottie.”

“Your friend is very crude, Kai.” Krystal comments, looking up at him then back to Baekhyun in feign innocence.

“But she’s in uniform, our school uniform.” Baekhyun states the obvious, staring at her in shock or lust, he can’t tell. Sherlock then reverts his attention back to the devil in the room, asks, “Do you go to our school or something?”

She nods, replies with a ‘Yup’ making a pop sound with the ‘P’.

Jongin walks across the room, back to where she was and hovers over her, inspecting every little sharp turn on her face. “So I see you’re the spy?”

“Ooh!” She mocks, a jolt of thrill in her voice. “I like my men smart.”

“Not trying to wreck all the sexual tension or anything but I’m smart too, I got an A on my last math qui -“

“Shut the fuck up.”

"Yeah, okay, sorry man.” Baekhyun says quickly in a small voice and retreats back with his arms up in surrender. “I’m just gonna go get the key and bring the car around, yeah.”

Five boys stand side by side on the other side of the glass, they all gulp in sync when a certain vixen winks at them, except one.

With a shaky hand, Kyungsoo presses the button of the intercom, nervously he clears his throat and speaks into it, “You can come out now, Chanyeol.”

The brunette lets out a long held in sigh and gets off the chair he’s been forced to sit in for the past half an hour, taking his now cold cappuccino with him as he leaves the room, slamming the door with a loud ‘bang’ that only made Krystal crack a smile of victory.

“I’m useless when it comes to interrogating her,” Chanyeol starts, doing a dramatic turn away that’s more fitting for a drama class. “She’s too attractive, if the great Jongin couldn’t resist then how am I supposed to do so?”

“Oh stop with the melodrama” Kyungsoo waves him off, his forehead full of wrinkles.

Suho shakes his head, looking like he’s losing hope. “She knows how to play games, that’s all I’ve got to say.”

“Or maybe it’s just distracting ‘cause well, just look at her.” Baekhyun states in dry humour. “You all should be feeling fucking blessed that she can’t see us through the glass. Bet the bitch would be even cockier if she knows how much of a dilemma she’s stirred up around here.”

Neglecting Baekhyun’s somewhat correct observation, Kyungsoo fires on in determination, “Who hasn’t gone in yet?”

“Sehun, me.”

“You can’t go in there, she’s waiting for you to interrogate her so she can push all your buttons while you’re at it.” Sehun explains quickly and precisely, forever blowing smoke rings to cure his boredom of the situation.

Kyungsoo nod in agreement. “He’s got a point. She did it last time, she’ll do it again.”

“Great.” Sehun says without much care for the decision and stubs out his fresh out of the box cig. “Settles it then.”

“Evening, Miss Jung.”

“And you are…?”

“Oh Sehun but call me Sehun, I think it’s better if we’re casual with each other.”

“Would you be ‘oh-so-kind’ and uncuff me so we can be even more casual with eachother?”

“My sincerest apologies, Krystal, but I’m afraid I can’t do that. You don’t mind if I call you Krystal, I hope.”

“You’ve been the kindest to me ever since I’ve arrived here, it is only fair that I at least grant you a small request because I’m afraid this is all I’m ever going to give you, Sehun.”

“You keep looking out the window. Are you looking for someone? Kai, I assume?”

“You really hit that one right on the nail, Sehun. When is Kai going to come in and play with me by the way?”

“Oh didn’t you know?”

“Know what?”

“Kai isn’t partaking in any of this. He’s not even presented on the other side of the glass.”

“That’s not true.”

“No, it isn’t. Why would I lie to you about such a thing, Krystal?”

“I know Kai’s somewhere on the other side, trying to conjure up some verbal tactic to crack me open. You’re not convincing me, Sehun, at all.”

“On the contrary, Kai doesn’t care about this at all. He delivers you to us, knowing you are the key to our stolen supply’s location and that’s that. That’s all that matters to him and now that he has done what he’s been set out to do in the first place, he is done with you and the day.”

“You’re lying.”

“Don’t tell me that you were under the impression that Jongin has formed an attachment of a sort to you due to the event of last night? I’m sorry if that’s what you thought, Krystal, Kai failed his mission last night on purpose. We knew you were going to come looking for him for more information on the other locations of our warehouses.”

The façade breaks a little, enough to leave a visible crack.

“What happened between Kai and I last night, wasn’t an act. I know what he felt was real, he knows it too, so unless you’ve got any more of that poor interrogation skill up your sleeves. I suggest you get out of here and come back with a better plan because right now, all you’re doing is telling me unconvincing tales. I’m not entertained, Sehun, there are six of you, do better.”

They were wrong.

Jongin didn’t need to be in the same room with Krystal for her to push all the right buttons.

“Go in”

Kyungsoo commands but doesn’t meet his eyes or refuses to, at this stage, Jongin doesn’t know anymore.

Sehun shoots him a deadly look on his way out that says something like ‘You better not screw up this time’ and Jongin acknowledges it with a sharp look of his own on his way in. The room is oddly colder than the outside, for what purpose he doesn’t know but he uses it to excuse his shivers when Krystal’s piercing gaze seem to have sliced through him like a knife.

“Miss me?”

He doesn’t give a response and pulls out a chair, straddling it, then resting his arms on the top rail.

She frowns. “You were rough with me today, Kai, very cold too.”

Good, he thinks, still staring at her, void of any emotion he know she has hoped for.

“Why didn’t you turn up until now? You’re the last to pay me a visit; I thought you would be the first.”

Jongin scoffs and gets up, circling around the table to the other side to meet her company and lean against the edge of the table in a relaxed posture. “Hurt, Krystal?”

She grins to obscure her viciousness. “Extremely.”

They’re smiling back at each other and Jongin knows it now.

“Kyungsoo, turn the sound off on your side and put the blinds on.”

Kyungsoo’s croaky voice comes from the intercom. “What did you sa -“

“Turn the sound off and blinds on.” Jongin repeats himself through gritted teeth, patience running thin. “This is between her and I.”

Finally, he greets the real her. “Soojung”

“Jongin.” She addresses him, simpering. “Glad to hear you remember me.”

“Seven years, it sure has been a long time.” He says, crossing his arms on his chest. “How was California?”

Her smile turns sour, so does her voice when she offers a response. “Is that all you care about? California? I thought you would have the heart to ask about my well being first before you dive into that subject.”

“Well, no, you know I don’t have the heart for useless chit chats.” Jongin says, condescendingly, standing up and stands behind her chair, leaning down to her level and whisper, “I was being polite about California. Sorry to disappoint, princess, but I could not give less shit about your personal life, even if I tried.” And with that the cuff unlocks with an echoing ‘click’.

“Ouch.” She smirks, rubbing her wrists tenderly. “Why’d you uncuff me? Eager to relive last night’s unfinished business?”

Jongin gives the cold shoulder to her remark, sitting back down on the other side of the table. “How’d you do it, Soojung? I just want to know, how did you manage to steal that much in one night and by yourself too?”

She wags her finger at him, inspecting her chipped nail in the process. “A girl must never reveal her secret.”

“Why did you even get mix up in this business? Your trust fund itself is enough to support your lavish living habit for the end of your days.” He could feel his ears getting hot, and a spark went off his in his brain, but he managed to keep himself steady enough to not go over to where she was and strangle to life out of her. “Just tell me, why are you doing this?”

“What about you, Jongin? Why are you doing this? Why are you even here? Ask that to yourself.” Her next words were tentative, quiet, but daring and powerful, just like her. “You don’t need to be here neither but you’re still here. Daddy’s a big, old, mean man that owns every inch of the motor business in Asia and here you are, stealing from him and selling it all off.”

“I asked you first.”

“I asked you second.” She retorts without missing a beat.

Jongin sneers. “You’re not going anywhere until you answer my questions.”

Krystal raises an eyebrow and quickly got up from her chair, kicking it to the side and is sniggering in his ear by the next second. “I’ve got all the time in the world to play this game, Jongin. You’re not wasting my time, you’re only wasting yours.”

She kisses him with genteelness, just a feathery touch and he licks his lips - tasting the poison.

The very ground beneath Jongin was quaking and despite his want to crack open his eyes, to move, to make a sound, his body denies it without mercy. He fights until he discovers the worthlessness of his efforts so he lies there, lifeless almost, on the cold floor, retracing his steps. Flashes of white appear behind his eyelids - Krystal is Soojung, daughter of the Minister of transport, a close friend of his father, whom moved away to California and never to be heard of ever again. They were talking, she was being questioned, and they were sitting on opposite sides of the table.

That was it, then everything went black.

Someone’s rapping on the glass window, he could hear it but his voice refused to go to work. It
continues on for a few irritating minutes before the door burst open and Sehun and Suho’s familiar voice begins to overtake the room.

“Shit” He hears Sehun shouts, very out of character for his usual ‘smartass’ attitude of his.

Rushed footsteps loom closer and come to a halting stop when Jongin could see Suho’s leather shoes on the left side of his face. “What happened?”

Nothing but ragged breathing from the other two men.

“Why isn’t he saying anything?” Suho asks, voice cracking a little.

“I don’t know,” Sehun replies, hovering over him with a worried expression plastered on his face. “I think he can still hear us - look to the left if you can hear me.” He orders and Jongin glances to his left, every bones in his body aching from that one attempt.

Suho looks a little less tense than before when he finishes checking Jongin’s pulse. “He’s poisoned.
Krystal poisoned him. She must have escaped through the emergency passage in the ceiling.”
“She can’t be too far off.” Sehun says with a confidence, pulling Jongin up and draping his dead arm around his shoulder. “You can’t make it pass the door out of here without a key.”

“Uh…about that…” Suho says hesitantly, his gaze dropping.

A look into his pocket and no wallet, no keys, no phones.

She just keeps on taking, doesn’t she?


!fanmix, fandom: exo-m, fic: off to the races, ♥ : krystal/kai, fandom: f(x), Ξ : douc, fandom: exo-k, *full length

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