Title: All in a Day's Work
koushi Pairing: Arthur/Cobb, Cobb/Yusuf, Cobb/Saito, Cobb/Eames
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 1534
Disclaimer: I do not own Inception or any of its characters.
Summary/Prompt: Written for the prompt,
this time Cobb is the team slut, on
inception_kink. Gratuitous PWP bottom-slut!Cobb smut.
Warnings: Barebacking, frottage, public sex,
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Comments 6
We are both making our first forays into porn, aren't we? I have a feeling this will be an exciting journey ending in lots and lots of delicious smut. <3
I LOVE FROTTAGE TOO. And there definitely needs to be more of it. I hope that you write some as well, it would be so lovely. *____* And yes, I had so much fun with the Saito scene!
I plan to write some more smut in the near future, if things go as planned, but it's always a little scary because you don't know if it'll even sound hot, or if it'll be contrived, repetitive, and ridiculous, ya know? I just need to suck it up and FORGET ALL THE ANXIETY. :D
And for the record, I have written Cobb/Nash smut in The Red Look series, but uh, it's not exactly to most people's tastes. XD I will have to do some mainstream sexytimes for them as well. <3
I WANT TO, DEFINITELY. I will, I promise you with all my heart. :D
Friends? :3
Pssh, yeah. :D :D
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